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Rotate a list to the left in Scheme/Racket

Trying to rotate a list left in scheme/racket. For example: (rotate-left '(abc)) outputs (bca)

Here's ze code!

(define (rotate-left LIST)
    (if(null? LIST)'()
        (cons(car LIST)(cons(cdr LIST)'())))))

Unfortunately this just outputs the same list! Should be an easy fix I'm sure, and I know I'm close...Thanks for any help !

like image 718
Don Johnson Avatar asked Oct 24 '12 09:10

Don Johnson

Video Answer

2 Answers

The answer given by @laser_wizard doesn't work ... Here's a correct implementation - you have to replace the first cons with an append for adding the first element at the end of the list.

(define (rotate-left LIST)
  (if (null? LIST)
      (append (cdr LIST)
              (cons (car LIST)

(rotate-left '(a b c))
> '(b c a)
like image 83
Óscar López Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Óscar López

Test cases! Test cases! A check-expect here would have helped you understand the problem, and others to understand what you were looking for.

I think I'm getting old.

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John Clements Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

John Clements