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Role verification in nestJs framework using passport-jwt

I implemented authentication strategy basing on that article: https://docs.nestjs.com/techniques/authentication. But I would like to expand that JwtStrategy on checking roles. It would be easiest to just add checks for oles in jwt.strategy.ts as there is already taken user basing on JWT payload.

But I don't know how to pass additional argument to validate function.

What I would like to implement:

async validate(payload: JwtPayload, done: Function, role: string) {        
    const user = await this.authService.validateUser(payload);
    if (!user || user.role !== role) {
        return done(new UnauthorizedException(), false);
    done(null, user);

but I don't know how I could pass additional role argument to that function. I am using decorator @UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) for enabling guard. What I would like to achieve is add there as an additional parameter role string and using it in JWTStrategy.

What is easiest way to implement that? Or do I need to implement two seperate guards?

EDIT: Actually I wasn't aware that AuthGuard automatically attach user to request. Solution was just simply implement RoleGuard from url pointed by @hdias2310. (https://docs.nestjs.com/guards)

like image 747
mgo Avatar asked Jun 19 '18 19:06


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Can I use Passport with JWT?

A Passport strategy for authenticating with a JSON Web Token. This module lets you authenticate endpoints using a JSON web token. It is intended to be used to secure RESTful endpoints without sessions.

What is Passport in NestJS?

Passport is the most popular node.js authentication library, well-known by the community and successfully used in many production applications. It's straightforward to integrate this library with a Nest application using the @nestjs/passport module.

Should I use Passport or JWT?

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1 Answers

You will need to have another guard to make a role verification.

You can get an example of implementation in NestJS docs (https://docs.nestjs.com/guards), in the "Role-based authentication" section.

like image 200
hdias2310 Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 17:11
