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Role of Designer.cs File in c#

I am getting Designer.cs file in my project and the comment in the file says it is being generated by an automatic tool.

This was an existing project so I don't know much about that. It is generated for one schema.cs which consists of schemas of all the tables in Database.

I am using a SQLIte DB. Can any one help me in understanding what is the use of the Designer.cs file in a C# project.

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Jainendra Avatar asked Apr 11 '12 06:04


People also ask

What is designer CS file?

The designer file (. Designer. cs) is a code file automatically generated by your designer to hold the form's layout information that was created using the Visual Studio IDE. Once you add a new form in your application, VS will automatically generate the designer file for this form.

What is a CS file used for?

CS files are used for application development that can range from simple desktop applications to more complex programs. A simple Visual Studio project solution created with C# language can comprise of one or more such files.

What is designer CS file in asp net?

aspx. designer. cs file contains all the definition of the controls that are being used by the page. It's just segregation of the code using partial class feature.

1 Answers

There are lots of kinds of Designer.cs files in a Visual Studio project. Common ones are:

  • Properties\Resources.resx\Resources.Designer.cs file, the auto-generated code from adding resources to the Project + Resources tab
  • Properties\Settings.settings\Settings.Designer.cs file, the auto-generated code from adding settings to the Project + Settings tab
  • SomeForm.cs\SomeForm.Designer.cs, the auto-generated code produced by the Winforms designer from the controls you drop on a form
  • SomeData.xsd\SomeData.Designer.cs, the auto-generated code produced by the dataset designer.

Given that you name a database in your question it is somewhat likely that you are talking about the last one. You ought to see the pattern from the descriptions, you use a visual designer gadget in Visual Studio and it produces C# code that does something useful at runtime. You go back from the Designer.cs to the designer gadget by double-clicking its parent node in the Solution Explorer window. Don't ever edit the Designer.cs file, you'll lose everything when the designer re-generates the code. They are somewhat hidden in the Solution Explorer for that reason. If you haven't found them yet: open the nodes to see them.

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Hans Passant Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Hans Passant