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RMI vs. Web Services. What's best for Java2Java remoting? [closed]

I'm new to both Web Services and RMI and I wonder which is the better way to do remoting between different web applications, when these applications are all written in Java, that is when different programming languages don't matter (which would be the advantage of WS).

While on the one hand I would guess that there's a performance overhead when using web services (does anyone have some numbers to prove that?), on the other hand it seems to me that web services are much more loosely coupled and can be used to implement a more service-oriented architecture (SOA) (which isn't possible with RMI, right?).

Although this is quite a general question, what's your opinion?


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cretzel Avatar asked Sep 19 '08 10:09


People also ask

What is difference between RMI and web services?

In general, RMI's performance exceeds web services, if the communication requirement is for complex objects. The JEE interface specification needs to be explicitly specified for Web Services. Note that Web Services are interoperable whereas RMI is not (in terms of the technologies of Client and Server).

Is RMI obsolete?

No, RMI is not deprecated.

When to use RMI in java?

RMI stands for Remote Method Invocation. It is a mechanism that allows an object residing in one system (JVM) to access/invoke an object running on another JVM. RMI is used to build distributed applications; it provides remote communication between Java programs. It is provided in the package java.

What is RMI web service?

The RMI (Remote Method Invocation) is an API that provides a mechanism to create distributed application in java. The RMI allows an object to invoke methods on an object running in another JVM. The RMI provides remote communication between the applications using two objects stub and skeleton.

2 Answers

The web services do allow a loosely coupled architecture. With RMI, you have to make sure that the class definitions stay in sync in all application instances, which means that you always have to deploy all of them at the same time even if only one of them is changed (not necessarily, but it is required quite often because of serial UUIDs and whatnot)

Also it is not very scalable, which might be an issue if you want to have load balancers.

In my mind RMI works best for smaller, local applications, that are not internet-related but still need to be decoupled. I've used it to have a java application that handles electronic communications and I was quite satisfied with the results. For other applications that require more complex deployment and work across the internet, I rather use web services.

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Mario Ortegón Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 06:11

Mario Ortegón

Whether you use Web Services or a more "native" approach depends on the environment as well. If you have to pass through a proxy or some corporate firewall(s), Web Services are more likely to work since they are relying on HTTP only. RMI requires you to open another port for your application which may be difficult (not technically, though) in some environments...

If you know that this issue is not a problem, you should consider using RMI. SOA does not depend on technology so much as on good service design. If you have an EJB container, you can call session beans via RMI and additionally expose them as web services, if you really need to, by the way.

The performance depends on the data that you are planning to exchange. If you want to send complex object nets from one application to another, it's probably faster with RMI, since it's transfered in a binary format (usually). If you have some kind of textual/XML content anyway, web services may be equivalent or even faster, since then you would not need to convert anything at all (for communication).


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Martin Klinke Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 08:11

Martin Klinke