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Right to Left layout support is causing warning lints in xml editor

Recently I updated to the new ADT plugin. Since then whenever I'm creating an xml layout using any tag like

android:layout_toRightOf="  " 

and basically anything with the word left and right a lint warning shows telling me to add start and end tags for every left and right tag I use in order to support right to left layouts.

for example it suggests I change the previous xml to

android:layout_toRightOf="  " 
android:layout_toEndOf="  " 

Is anyone having the same issue ? Is there a way to either have the eclipse xml editor add these tags automatically as I move a view inside a layout or just to disable these lints or feature completely ? I tried declaring in my manifest


in order to disable the feature but that line needs api 17+ and my app supports api 9+.

Does anyone have a solution ?

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mremremre1 Avatar asked Sep 04 '14 11:09


1 Answers

If you declared android:targetSdkVersion in your AndroidManifest.xml file with a value of 17 or higher, then you'll also need to declare android:layout_toEndOf and android:layout_toStartOf to support right-to-left display.

But, if your android:targetSdkVersion is 16 or lower, you can ignore the Lint warning as it does not affect the development or deployment of your application.

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ChuongPham Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11
