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Reverse dependency generation with zypper

With zypper, I can get package A depends on package B. However, what I need to know is which packages depend on package B.

Is there a way of generating a reverse dependency list?

like image 254
user626201 Avatar asked Aug 29 '12 17:08


People also ask

What is zypper used for?

Zypper is a command-line package manager for installing, updating and removing packages. It can also be used to manage repositories.

What is the difference between rpm and zypper?

What is difference between RPM and zypper? RPM is useful for installing/uninstalling a single software package. With zypper, you can install/uninstall packages, patterns, products and patches. You can also manage your repositories with zypper.

What is zypper command?

Zypper is a command line package manager for installing, updating and removing packages a well as for managing repositories. It is especially useful for accomplishing remote software management tasks or managing software from shell scripts.

1 Answers

You can search (abbreviated with "se") for packages that require a certain package with:

zypper se --requires packagename

Also, you can search only among installed packages with:

zypper se -i --requires packagename

For example, to look for packages requiring libpng:

# zypper se -i --requires libpng
Loading repository data... 
Reading installed packages...
S | Name                        | Summary                                                             | Type   
i | DirectFB                    | Graphics Library for Framebuffer Devices                            | package
i | MPlayer                     | Multimedia Player                                                   | package
i | cairo-devel                 | Development environment for cairo                                   | package
like image 177
Antonio Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 19:10
