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Revealing Prototype Pattern private variables

I'm having problem with private variables in JavaScript's Revealing Prototype Pattern. I can't figure out how can I have private variables that are used in several different functions inside shared (singleton) prototype, without exposing them. Here is the example of what I mean in JSFiddle.

The problem is in using var v versus this.v. First one messes the state of all instances, but second is publicly visible. Is there a way to have v private, and preserve its state for each individual instance?

like image 942
Janez Lukan Avatar asked Nov 03 '13 08:11

Janez Lukan

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1 Answers

There is not a way to do that with the revealing prototype pattern.

You can only do that with something like this:

function MyClass() {
    var v = 1;
    this.getV = function() {
        return v;

And that's why there are some die-hard enthusiasts for this kind of approach.

Personal option: Stick an underscore in front of it, and putting it on the object: this._v. Don't fight JavaScript; use it.

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Paul Draper Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10

Paul Draper