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JavaScript: how to filter deep JSON objects

I have an array of deep JSON objects that look like similarly to this:

var hierarchy = [
    "title": "category 1",
    "children": [
      {"title": "subcategory 1",
        "children": [
          {"id": 1, "title": "name 1"},
          {"id": 2, "title": "name 2"},
          {"id": 3, "title": "name 3"}
      {"title": "subcategory 2",
        "children": [
          {"id": 1, "title": "name 4"}
    "title": "category 2",
    "children": [etc. - shortened for brevity]

So basically it is a hierarchy - there are categories which can have subcategories which contain objects with some IDs and names. I also have an array of IDs that are related to the deepest hierarchy level (objects with no children) and I need to filter this set of objects in such a way that only (sub)categories that contain defined objects remain.

So for example if I had an array containing two IDs:

var IDs = [2, 3];

the result would be:

var hierarchy = [
    "title": "category 1",
    "children": [
      {"title": "subcategory 1",
        "children": [
          {"id": 2, "title": "name 2"},
          {"id": 3, "title": "name 3"}

i.e. the whole, the whole 'category 2' object removed, the whole 'subcategory 2' removed, object with ID '1' removed.

The problem is that the depth of those objects is variable and unknown - some objects have no children, some have children that also have children etc., any subcategory can can itself have a subcategory and I basically need to find object with no children that have defined IDs and keep the whole path to each of them.

Thank you.

like image 327
keepsea Avatar asked Oct 20 '13 22:10


People also ask

How do you filter an object in JavaScript?

JavaScript objects don't have a filter() method, you must first turn the object into an array to use array's filter() method. You can use the Object. keys() function to convert the object's keys into an array, and accumulate the filtered keys into a new object using the reduce() function as shown below.

Can we use filter method for object in JavaScript?

JavaScript's Objects are not iterable like arrays or strings, so we can't make use of the filter() method directly on an Object . filter() allows us to iterate through an array and returns only the items of that array that fit certain criteria, into a new array.

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Use console. log or console. dir and inspect the structure of object / array. The property you are trying to access might be actually defined on a nested object / array.

1 Answers

Basically, perform a depth first traversal of your tree invoking a callback function on each node. If that node is a leaf node and it's ID appears in your list then clone the branch that leads to that leaf, but don't re-clone any part of the branch that was already cloned.

Once you have constructed the partial and filtered copy of your tree you need to cleanup the original. I mutated the original tree in the process for book-keeping purposes - tracking which branches had already been cloned.

Edit: modified code to filter list of trees instead of just a single tree

var currentPath = [];

function depthFirstTraversal(o, fn) {
    if(o.children) {
        for(var i = 0, len = o.children.length; i < len; i++) {
            depthFirstTraversal(o.children[i], fn);
    fn.call(null, o, currentPath);

function shallowCopy(o) {
    var result = {};
    for(var k in o) {
        if(o.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
            result[k] = o[k];
    return result;

function copyNode(node) {
    var n = shallowCopy(node);
    if(n.children) { n.children = []; }
    return n;

function filterTree(root, ids) {
    root.copied = copyNode(root); // create a copy of root
    var filteredResult = root.copied;

    depthFirstTraversal(root, function(node, branch) {
        // if this is a leaf node _and_ we are looking for its ID
        if( !node.children && ids.indexOf(node.id) !== -1 ) {
            // use the path that the depthFirstTraversal hands us that
            // leads to this leaf.  copy any part of this branch that
            // hasn't been copied, at minimum that will be this leaf
            for(var i = 0, len = branch.length; i < len; i++) {
                if(branch[i].copied) { continue; } // already copied

                branch[i].copied = copyNode(branch[i]);
                // now attach the copy to the new 'parellel' tree we are building

    depthFirstTraversal(root, function(node, branch) {
        delete node.copied; // cleanup the mutation of the original tree

    return filteredResult;

function filterTreeList(list, ids) {
    var filteredList = [];
    for(var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) {
        filteredList.push( filterTree(list[i], ids) );
    return filteredList;

var hierarchy = [ /* your data here */ ];
var ids = [1,3];

var filtered = filterTreeList(hierarchy, ids);
like image 198
Mike Edwards Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09

Mike Edwards