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Reusing lists in patterns

When I write:

sort [x] = [x]

Is the compiler smart enough to reuse the same list, or do I have to be explicit about it?

sort xs@[_] = xs
like image 609
fredoverflow Avatar asked Mar 06 '11 14:03


1 Answers

Is it smart enough? Let's see!

ezyang@javelin:~$ cat Foo.hs
module Foo where
foo [x] = [x]

Here is the STG:

ezyang@javelin:~$ ghc --make Foo.hs -ddump-stg -fforce-recomp
[1 of 1] Compiling Foo              ( Foo.hs, Foo.o )

==================== STG syntax: ====================
Foo.foo =
    \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [ds_sdP]
        let-no-escape {
          fail_sdO =
              sat-only \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [ds1_sdN]
                  Control.Exception.Base.patError "Foo.hs:2:0-12|function foo";
        } in 
          case ds_sdP of wild_sdY {
            [] -> fail_sdO GHC.Prim.realWorld#;
            : x_sdV ds1_sdT ->
                case ds1_sdT of wild1_sdZ {
                  [] -> : [x_sdV GHC.Types.[]];
                  : ipv_se0 ipv1_se1 -> fail_sdO GHC.Prim.realWorld#;
SRT(Foo.foo): [Control.Exception.Base.patError]

The interesting bit is this line:

                  [] -> : [x_sdV GHC.Types.[]];

where we see that we are creating a new cons-cell for x_sdV and []. So, no. However, this is not too bad, because x_sdV itself is shared, so it’s only a single constructor; furthermore, we are forcing the spine of the list xs, so GHC would need to rewrite it anyway. So don't worry about it.

like image 188
Edward Z. Yang Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 23:11

Edward Z. Yang