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Returning Total Number of Messages Sent Via Slack API

Looking for a way to return the total number of messages sent by a team via the Slack API. Browsing the documentation I have not come across a method to do this. Was curious if anyone has a found a way to do something similar.

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Magnetion Avatar asked Nov 09 '15 15:11


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1 Answers

You probably have to iterate over all channels, groups and users. For a given channel, the search.messages endoint contains the info you need. For instance, using the python Slacker package, we can count the number of messages in @general:

>>> import slacker
>>> token = "yourtoken"
>>> api = slacker.BaseAPI(token)
>>> api.get("search.messages", params={"query": "in:general"}).body["messages"]["total"]

(I leave it to you to iterate over all channels and groups)

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Régis B. Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 21:10

Régis B.