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Returning table with CLR





I want to write an CLR procedure which takes a text and returns a table with all the words in this text. But I can't figure out how to return a table. Could you please tell me it?

    public static WhatTypeShouldIWriteHere Function1(SqlString str)
        string[] words = Regex.Split(str, @"\W+").Distinct().ToArray();
        //how to return a table with one column of words?

Thank you for your help.

UPDATED: I need to do it for sql-2005

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StuffHappens Avatar asked Feb 11 '10 10:02


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1 Answers

Here is a full blown sample. I got tired of searching for this myself and even though this is answered, I thought I would post this just to keep a fresh reference online.

using System;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public partial class UserDefinedFunctions {    
  public static SqlBoolean RegexPatternMatch(string Input, string Pattern) {    
    return Regex.Match(Input, Pattern).Success ? new SqlBoolean(true) : new SqlBoolean(false);

  public static SqlString RegexGroupValue(string Input, string Pattern, int GroupNumber) {

    Match m = Regex.Match(Input, Pattern);
    SqlString value = m.Success ? m.Groups[GroupNumber].Value : null;

    return value;

  [SqlFunction(DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read, FillRowMethodName = "FillMatches", TableDefinition = "GroupNumber int, MatchText nvarchar(4000)")]
  public static IEnumerable RegexGroupValues(string Input, string Pattern) {
    List<RegexMatch> GroupCollection = new List<RegexMatch>();

    Match m = Regex.Match(Input, Pattern);
    if (m.Success) {
      for (int i = 0; i < m.Groups.Count; i++) {
        GroupCollection.Add(new RegexMatch(i, m.Groups[i].Value));

    return GroupCollection;

  public static void FillMatches(object Group, out SqlInt32 GroupNumber, out SqlString MatchText) {
    RegexMatch rm = (RegexMatch)Group;
    GroupNumber = rm.GroupNumber;
    MatchText = rm.MatchText;

  private class RegexMatch {
    public SqlInt32 GroupNumber { get; set; }
    public SqlString MatchText { get; set; }

    public RegexMatch(SqlInt32 group, SqlString match) {
      this.GroupNumber = group;
      this.MatchText = match;
like image 171
Damon Drake Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 02:10

Damon Drake