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Returning struct from a function, how can I check that it is initialized?




I have the following struct in C++:

struct routing_entry {
        unsigned long destSeq;  // 32 bits
        unsigned long nextHop   // 32 bits
        unsigned char hopCount; // 8 bits

And I have the following function:

routing_entry Cnode_router_aodv::consultTable(unsigned int destinationID ) {    
    routing_entry route;

    if ( routing_table.find(destinationID) != routing_table.end() )
        route = routing_table[destinationID];

    return route; // will be "empty" if not found

"routing_table" is a stl::map defined as follows:

map< unsigned long int, routing_entry > routing_table;

My question now is, when using the consultTable function, I want to check that the return value is actually initialized, some how like in Java pseudocode (because I come from the Java camp):

Route consultTable(int id) {
    Route r = table.find(id);
    return r;

then checking if r == null

like image 823
sabbour Avatar asked Jun 19 '09 09:06


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1 Answers

There are a few problems here. The most urgent may be what happens when the destination ID is not found. Since you have no constructor on the routing_entry and you are not default initialising, it will have undefined values.

// the data inside route is undefined at this point
routing_entry route;

One way to handle this is to default initialise. This works by instructing the compiler to fill the structure with zeros. This is kind of a trick borrowed from C but it works well here.

routing_entry route={0};

You mention you are coming from Java, unlike in Java, structure and class members are not 0 initialised, so you should really handle that somehow. Another way is to define a constructor:

struct routing_entry
  : destSeq(0)
  , nextHop(0)
  , hopCount(0)
  { }

            unsigned long destSeq;  // 32 bits
            unsigned long nextHop;   // 32 bits
            unsigned char hopCount; // 8 bits

Also note that in C++, the size of the integer and char members is not defined in bits. The char type is 1 byte (but a byte is a not defined, but usually 8 bits). The longs are usually 4 bytes these days but can be some other value.

Moving on to your consultTable, with the initialisation fixed:

routing_entry Cnode_router_aodv::consultTable(unsigned int destinationID )
  routing_entry route={0};

  if ( routing_table.find(destinationID) != routing_table.end() )
        route = routing_table[destinationID];

  return route; // will be "empty" if not found

One way to tell might be to check if the structure is still zeroed out. I prefer to refactor to have the function return bool to indicate success. Additionally, I always typedef STL structures for simplicity, so I'll do that here:

typedef map< unsigned long int, routing_entry > RoutingTable;
RoutingTable routing_table;

Then we pass in a reference to the routing entry to populate. This can be more efficient for the compiler, but probably that is irrelevant here - anyway this is just one method.

bool Cnode_router_aodv::consultTable(unsigned int destinationID, routing_entry &entry)
  RoutingTable::const_iterator iter=routing_table.find(destinationID);
  if (iter==routing_table.end())
    return false;
  return true;

You would call it like this:

routing_entry entry={0};
if (consultTable(id, entry))
  // do something with entry
like image 65
1800 INFORMATION Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09