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Returning a struct containing mutable values



I have the following code, where I'm trying to return the struct Foo with a set of default values for the field values. These values may be changed later. But the compiler complains:

error: `initial` does not live long enough

How this could be achieved? Any alternatives?

struct Foo <'a> {
    values: &'a mut Vec<i32>,

impl <'a> Foo <'a> {
    fn new() -> Foo <'a> {
        let initial = vec![1, 2];

        Foo { values: &mut initial }

let my_foo = Foo::new();

like image 724
caio Avatar asked Apr 13 '15 05:04


1 Answers

There are two problems here.

The first is that you don't need to use &mut to make a structure field mutable. Mutability is inherited in Rust. That is, if you have a Foo stored in a mutable variable (let mut f: Foo), its fields are mutable; if it's in an immutable variable (let f: Foo), its fields are immutable. The solution is to just use:

struct Foo {
    values: Vec<i32>,

and return a Foo by value.

The second problem (and the source of the actual compilation error) is that you're trying to return a borrow to something you created in the function. This is impossible. No, there is no way around it; you can't somehow extend the lifetime of initial, returning initial as well as the borrow won't work. Really. This is one of the things Rust was specifically designed to absolutely forbid.

If you want to transfer something out of a function, one of two things must be true:

  1. It is being stored somewhere outside the function that will outlive the current call (as in, you were given a borrow as an argument; returning doesn't count), or

  2. You are returning ownership, not just a borrowed reference.

The corrected Foo works because it owns the Vec<i32>.

like image 115
DK. Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09