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Returning a 301 Redirect from a Controller Action



On ASP.net MVC, what is the "correct" way to have a controller return a 301 Redirect to an external site?

The various RedirectTo-Function seem to only return either relative links or routes that i have mapped manually, but there is no way to say "Perform a 301 Redirect to http://example.com".

I think I could just set Response.StatusCode or use Response.Redirect, but is that the way it should be done in MVC? Or is there an official "correct way" of performing redirects?

Update: In the meantime, I wrote an ActionResult for that: PermanentRedirectResult

Update 2: Since ASP.net 4.0, Permanent Redirects are part of the Framework.

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Michael Stum Avatar asked Oct 20 '08 09:10

Michael Stum

People also ask

Can you undo a 301 redirect?

Can You Reverse A 301 Redirect? The short answer is "yes." You can reverse a 301-redirect, even though it's technically permanent. The long answer, though, is that this change may not work the way you'd expect or hope, and it could even make your problems worse.

When can I remove 301 redirect?

If the source of most of your traffic comes from search engine results, then you can just shut down your 301 redirects after a few months to a year. Like Mueller said, this would be enough time for Google to track your move and recognize your new site.

Is 301 a permanent redirect?

The 301 and 308 status codes mean that a page has permanently moved to a new location.

3 Answers



or for returning an ActionResult type from a controller:

return RedirectPermanent("http://www.google.com"); 

provided by the ASP.net 4.0 framework.

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Ben Barreth Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10

Ben Barreth

Since you are talking about redirecting to a URL that you do not know anything about the routing (be that an internal page (think classic ASP.NET), or some external resource) then the only thing you can do is set the status code, and send the user's browser on its way.

At this chain in MVC you are worried about getting the user to their View, but that View is not under your control and may not even be a View at all. So ultimately you are doing this best you can in this circumstance, and to my knowledge are not breaking any MVC "rule".

I hope that helps.

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Jason Whitehorn Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 22:10

Jason Whitehorn

I perform redirects to support legacy URLs.

My controller looks something like this…

Public Class ThingController
    Inherits System.Web.Mvc.Controller

    Function Details(ByVal id As String) As ActionResult
        Dim RedirectId As Guid
        Select Case key
            Case "legacyurlone"
                RedirectId = New Guid("c564c0c1-c365-4b0c-bc33-fd4eadf0551b")
            Case "legacyurltwo"
                RedirectId = New Guid("157fa15b-8d5d-4f04-87cc-434f7ae93dfa")
            Case Else
                RedirectId = Guid.Empty
        End Select
        If Not RedirectId = Guid.Empty Then
            Response.StatusCode = Net.HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently
            Response.RedirectLocation = Url.RouteUrl("IdOnly", New With {.id = RedirectId})
            Return Nothing
        End If
        Dim ThingId As Guid = New Guid(id)
        Dim db As New ThingEntities
        Dim Model As Thing = ...
        Return View(Model)
    End Function


End Class

I now wonder if I could handle this more cleanly with two routes and controller functions.

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Zack Peterson Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10

Zack Peterson