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Return to previous path using MeteorJS and Iron Routing

Using the latest Meteor and Iron Routing, how do I simply "go back" to the previous route? I feel silly even asking, because it seems this would be a main feature of Iron Routing..

For instance, say I went to "/contacts" from "/posts" and then I wanted to "go back" with my app's back button (not the browser button, though this does what I'd like this functionality to do) to /contacts again because that was the last route I was on. Is there not a one-line command for this such as Router.back() that I could put in a global routes file whenever this is triggered?

This seems like it would be a very common question, yet I can't find anyone that has asked it yet.. If so, forgive me and please direct me with a link.

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Matthew Robinson Avatar asked Mar 17 '23 01:03

Matthew Robinson

1 Answers

To go back in iron-router, just use:




Both of these are supported by iron-router.

like image 150
Alex Pan Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 22:03

Alex Pan