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Return sum of sublist in a list



I've been trying to figure this out for the last few hours with no success what so ever.

Let's say I have a list of lists of int

let list = [[1;3;4;4];[1;3]]

I have to create a function that will sum the sublists and return one list as below:


I've been told that I should use List.fold.

I've tried the following:

let list = [2;3;5]
let sumList list = List.fold (fun acc elem -> acc + elem) 0 list
sumList list

this is returning only an int and works only for an int list and not for a list of list. What are the next steps from here.

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Julius Knafl Avatar asked Sep 29 '16 12:09

Julius Knafl

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1 Answers


|> List.map List.sum

So you map the List.sum for each element in the list.

Or with fold:

|> List.map (List.fold (+) 0)

(List.fold (+) 0) is the same as the sum function. It starts with zero and adds in each iteration the value to the accumulator.

|> List.fold (fun acc v -> 
    acc @ [(List.fold (+) 0) v]) []

As you see, you can also replace the map with a fold.

|> List.foldBack (fun v acc -> 
    (List.fold (+) 0 v) :: acc) 
    <| []

With List.foldBack it looks a little bit better in my opinion than with fold. But I prefer the first solution.

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Peter Siebke Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11

Peter Siebke