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F# error: This value is not a function and cannot be applied



 let GetVal (i,isMin,al, be)= 
        let b = new Board(board) 
        if b.SetBoardBool(i) then this.MinMaxAlphaBeta(b, isMin, al, be)
        else -2

    let valList = seq{ 
            for i =0 to 8 do 
                yield (GetVal i (not isMin) alphaF betaF ,  not isMin)

I am getting an F# error saying: This value is not a function and cannot be applied.

valList is sequence of tuples of int and bool and GetVal takes int bool int int and returns int. where alphaF betaF are mutable variables.

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Taufiq Abdur Rahman Avatar asked Oct 05 '13 07:10

Taufiq Abdur Rahman

Video Answer

1 Answers

Or you could change the signature of GetVal to not pass a tuple--like this:

let GetVal i isMin al be =

i, isMin, al, and be are called curried parameters. You can find more detail here under the topic "Partial Application of Arguments." I would post a direct link but there doesn't seem to be one.

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Onorio Catenacci Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09

Onorio Catenacci