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Return CATransform3D to map quadrilateral to quadrilateral

I'm trying to derive a CATransform3D that will map a quad with 4 corner points to another quad with 4 new corner points. I've spent a little bit of time researching this and it seems the steps involve converting the original Quad to a Square, and then converting that Square to the new Quad. My methods look like this (code borrowed from here):

- (CATransform3D)quadFromSquare_x0:(float)x0 y0:(float)y0 x1:(float)x1 y1:(float)y1 x2:(float)x2 y2:(float)y2 x3:(float)x3 y3:(float)y3 {

    float dx1 = x1 - x2,    dy1 = y1 - y2;
    float dx2 = x3 - x2,    dy2 = y3 - y2;
    float sx = x0 - x1 + x2 - x3;
    float sy = y0 - y1 + y2 - y3;
    float g = (sx * dy2 - dx2 * sy) / (dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1);
    float h = (dx1 * sy - sx * dy1) / (dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1);
    float a = x1 - x0 + g * x1;
    float b = x3 - x0 + h * x3;
    float c = x0;
    float d = y1 - y0 + g * y1;
    float e = y3 - y0 + h * y3;
    float f = y0;

    CATransform3D mat;

    mat.m11 = a;
    mat.m12 = b;
    mat.m13 = 0;
    mat.m14 = c;

    mat.m21 = d;
    mat.m22 = e;
    mat.m23 = 0;
    mat.m24 = f;

    mat.m31 = 0;
    mat.m32 = 0;
    mat.m33 = 1;
    mat.m34 = 0;

    mat.m41 = g;
    mat.m42 = h;
    mat.m43 = 0;
    mat.m44 = 1;

    return mat;


- (CATransform3D)squareFromQuad_x0:(float)x0 y0:(float)y0 x1:(float)x1 y1:(float)y1 x2:(float)x2 y2:(float)y2 x3:(float)x3 y3:(float)y3 {

    CATransform3D mat = [self quadFromSquare_x0:x0 y0:y0 x1:x1 y1:y1 x2:x2 y2:y2 x3:x3 y3:y3];

    // invert through adjoint

    float a = mat.m11,      d = mat.m21,    /* ignore */            g = mat.m41;
    float b = mat.m12,      e = mat.m22,    /* 3rd col*/            h = mat.m42;
    /* ignore 3rd row */
    float c = mat.m14,      f = mat.m24;

    float A =     e - f * h;
    float B = c * h - b;
    float C = b * f - c * e;
    float D = f * g - d;
    float E =     a - c * g;
    float F = c * d - a * f;
    float G = d * h - e * g;
    float H = b * g - a * h;
    float I = a * e - b * d;

    // Probably unnecessary since 'I' is also scaled by the determinant,
    //   and 'I' scales the homogeneous coordinate, which, in turn,
    //   scales the X,Y coordinates.
    // Determinant  =   a * (e - f * h) + b * (f * g - d) + c * (d * h - e * g);
    float idet = 1.0f / (a * A           + b * D           + c * G);

    mat.m11 = A * idet;     mat.m21 = D * idet;     mat.m31 = 0;    mat.m41 = G * idet;
    mat.m12 = B * idet;     mat.m22 = E * idet;     mat.m32 = 0;    mat.m42 = H * idet;
    mat.m13 = 0       ;     mat.m23 = 0       ;     mat.m33 = 1;    mat.m43 = 0       ;
    mat.m14 = C * idet;     mat.m24 = F * idet;     mat.m34 = 0;    mat.m44 = I * idet;

    return mat;


After calculating both matrices, multiplying them together, and assigning to the view in question, I end up with a transformed view, but it is wildly incorrect. In fact, it seems to be sheared like a parallelogram no matter what I do. What am I missing?

UPDATE 2/1/12

It seems the reason I'm running into issues may be that I need to accommodate for FOV and focal length into the model view matrix (which is the only matrix I can alter directly in Quartz.) I'm not having any luck finding documentation online on how to calculate the proper matrix, though.

like image 235
sevenflow Avatar asked Jan 31 '12 23:01


1 Answers

I was able to achieve this by porting and combining the quad warping and homography code from these two URLs:

  • http://forum.openframeworks.cc/index.php/topic,509.30.html
  • http://forum.openframeworks.cc/index.php?topic=3121.15

UPDATE: I've open sourced a small class that does this: https://github.com/dominikhofmann/DHWarpView

like image 64
sevenflow Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 09:10
