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Retrofit JSON deserializing object's $ref reference to its original copy

I am using Microsoft.Net with Breeze for APIs and the results I get using Retrofit have nested repeated same objects. For example EmployeeJob has Customer navigation property so the APIs result looks like this

   "Customer_Id": 39,
    "Customer": {
        "$id": "2",
        "$type": "Wit.Trade.Entities.Customer, Wit.Trade",
        "CourtesyTitle": "Mr",
        "FirstName": "Ahmad"
  "Customer_Id": 39,
    "Customer": {
        "$ref": "2" //here same customer Ahmad

Now the Java List I get of these EmployeeJobs has only Customer in the first record and others have nothing. How can I map the $ref:"2" to its original value instead of this $ref.

I don't want my server APIs to send the complete objects for network and performance reasons, that's why I want to deserialize these $refs on client side just like Angularjs $resource service does for us.

like image 925
ahmadalibaloch Avatar asked Mar 03 '16 11:03


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1 Answers

Currently I have worked arround manually for the $ref solution like this

//========== $ref manual solution for employee jobs' customers
            List<Customer> completedCustomers = new ArrayList<>();
            for (EmployeeJob empJob : empJobs) {
                if (empJob.Customer != null && empJob.Customer.Id == null && empJob .Customer.$ref != null) {
                    for (Customer comCus : completedCustomers) {
                        if (comCus.$id.equalsIgnoreCase(empJob.Customer.$ref))
                            empJob.Customer = comCus;
                } else

Now empJobs has the $refs replaced with their corresponding Customers.

like image 126
ahmadalibaloch Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 17:10
