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Retrieve string from the middle of a string




I have a coded string that I'd like to retrieve a value from. I realize that I can do some string manipulation (IndexOf, LastIndexOf, etc.) to pull out 12_35_55_219 from the below string but I was wondering if there was a cleaner way of doing so.

like image 736
ahsteele Avatar asked Mar 15 '10 18:03


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1 Answers

If you can be sure of the format of the string, then several possibilities exist:

My favorite is to create a very simple tokenizer:

string[] arrParts = yourString.Split( "[]".ToCharArray() );

Since there is a regular format to the string, arrParts will have three entries, and the part you're interested in would be arrParts[1].

If the string format varies, then you will have to use other techniques.

like image 102
kmontgom Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 22:10
