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Retain the user defined sort order in WPF DataGrid

I have a WPF DataGrid that is populated with data from DataSet. I have CanUserSortColumns set to true.

Is it possible to retain the sorting that the user specified when the grid is refreshed? I have it retaining the item that was selected using

  object selectedItem = dgInvoiceHeads.SelectedItem;

before the refresh takes place and then placing

 dgInvoiceHeads.SelectedItem = selectedItem;

after the refresh takes place.

But I can't seem to get it to retain the specified sort.

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Noelle Avatar asked Jun 24 '11 13:06


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To filter items in a DataGridAdd a handler for the CollectionViewSource. Filter event. In the Filter event handler, define the filtering logic. The filter will be applied every time the view is refreshed.

2 Answers

The following code was pulled from this forum post and it shows how to obtain the sort descriptions and column information and restore it.

List<DataGridColumn> GetColumnInfo(DataGrid dg) {
    List<DataGridColumn> columnInfos = new List<DataGridColumn>();
    foreach (var column in dg.Columns) {
    return columnInfos;

List<SortDescription> GetSortInfo(DataGrid dg) {
    List<SortDescription> sortInfos = new List<SortDescription>();
    foreach (var sortDescription in dg.Items.SortDescriptions) {
    return sortInfos;

void SetColumnInfo(DataGrid dg, List<DataGridColumn> columnInfos) {
    columnInfos.Sort((c1, c2) => { return c1.DisplayIndex - c2.DisplayIndex; });
    foreach (var columnInfo in columnInfos) {
        var column = dg.Columns.FirstOrDefault(col => col.Header == columnInfo.Header);
        if (column != null) {
            column.SortDirection = columnInfo.SortDirection;
            column.DisplayIndex = columnInfo.DisplayIndex;
            column.Visibility = columnInfo.Visibility;

void SetSortInfo(DataGrid dg, List<SortDescription> sortInfos) {
    foreach (var sortInfo in sortInfos) {
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CodeNaked Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09


Have you tried getting the collectionview for the dataset?


This will give you an array of the current sortdescriptions. You can then persist these, and the next time round apply them as follows


Hope it helps.

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Stefan Z Camilleri Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09

Stefan Z Camilleri