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Restricting direct access to port, but allow port forwarding in Nginx

I'm trying to restrict direct access to elasticsearch on port 9200, but allow Nginx to proxy pass to it.

This is my config at the moment:

server {
        listen 80;
        return 301;

server {

        listen *:5001;

        location / {
                auth_basic "Restricted";
                auth_basic_user_file /var/data/nginx-elastic/.htpasswd;

                proxy_read_timeout 90;

This almost works as I want it to. I can access my server on port 5001 to hit elasticsearch and must enter credentials as expected.

However, I'm still able to hit :9200 and avoid the HTTP authentication, which defeats the point. How can I prevent access to this port, without restricting nginx? I've tried this:

server {
        listen *:9200;
        return 404;

But I get:

nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)

as it conflicts with elasticsearch.

There must be a way to do this! But I can't think of it.


I've edited based on a comment and summarised the question:

I want to lock down < serverip >:9200, and basically only allow access through port 5001 (which is behind HTTP Auth). 5001 should proxy to so that elasticsearch is accessible only through 5001. All other access should 404 (or 301, etc).

like image 236
James Avatar asked Apr 01 '14 12:04


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1 Answers

add this in your ES config to ensure it only binds to localhost


then ES is only accessible from localhost and not the world.

make sure this is really the case with the tools of your OS. e.g. on unix:

$ netstat -an | grep -i 9200
tcp4       0      0         *.*                    LISTEN

in any case I would lock down the machine using the OS firewall to really only allow the ports you want and not only rely on proper binding. why is this important? because ES also runs its cluster communication on another port (9300) and evil doers might just connect there.

like image 151
cfrick Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 04:11
