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Restrict a generic Class parameter to classes that implement Map




I'm trying to write a Map builder. One of the constructors will allow the client to specify the type of Map they wish to build

public class MapBuilder<K, V> {

    private Map<K, V> map;

     * Create a Map builder
     * @param mapType the type of Map to build. This type must support a default constructor
     * @throws Exception
    public MapBuilder(Class<? extends Map<K, V>> mapType) throws Exception {
        map = mapType.newInstance();

    // remaining implementation omitted

The intent is that it should be possible to construct instances of the builder with:

MapBuilder<Integer, String> builder = new MapBuilder<Integer, String>(LinkedHashMap.class);


MapBuilder<Integer, String> builder = new MapBuilder<Integer, String>(HashMap.class);

It seems that the type signature of the constructor argument doesn't currently support this, because the line above causes a "Cannot resolve constructor" compilation error.

How can I change my constructor so that it accepts classes that implement Map only?

like image 513
Dónal Avatar asked Feb 18 '19 10:02


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2 Answers

Use a Supplier instead of a Class:

public MapBuilder(Supplier<? extends Map<K, V>> supplier) {
    map = supplier.get();

Which then can be called like this:

MapBuilder<Integer, Integer> builder = new MapBuilder<>(LinkedHashMap::new);

This is also safer, because a Class<Map> could have no default constructor, which would throw an error (which is not very responsive code)

like image 187
Lino Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 05:10


The following will work:

public MapBuilder(Class<? extends Map> mapType) throws Exception {
    map = mapType.newInstance();
like image 29
Eran Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 03:10
