Here are some links to deleted posts that only 10k rep users can view, unless they are undeleted:
Bitwise left shift on long
Why does this output 5?
"Missing return statement"
Cannot Catch ArithmeticException when dividing by zero
difference between (double)(1/2) and (double)1/2
Why adding one else statement is changing whole scenario?
Pangram detector not recognizing every pangram
Unable to resolve return type on generic factory method
Why am I getting "Syntax error on token "else", ) expected"?
I get the error else without if
Array size in default constructor
I am having problems with this program
cannot make a static reference to the non-static method
TreeMap<Object,Object> issue
Using ((Base)this).f(); instead of super.f()
in Derived.f() compiles fine but causes StackOverflowError in Runtime
Is Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY a true representation of infinity?
Why do these "else if" statements not work?
Java Arrays pass by reference
How to write Fibonacci in one line?
Simple calculation on for loop
Exception in thread "main" ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 8
Java program for multiply two matrix (with user input
Bukkit ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on Checking for an Argument
how this code works a basic Java question errors in conversion
Is there any way to avoid the execution of a method inside a "if" check if that check has already been "true"?
Java naming convention: plural form method name - best practice - links?
On which basis does SortedSet sort