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RESTful API design: best way to CRUD lightweight connections?

(Pardon the question title; hard to summarize this question.)

On Facebook, you like things. On Twitter, you follow people. On GitHub, you also follow people and star repos and gists.

All of these cases are pretty similar: those connections are lightweight, not really "resources" themselves. E.g. none of those three APIs expose public IDs for such connections.

This raises the question: what's the "best" (in terms of REST) way to expose an API for creating/querying/deleting those connections?

Facebook does [1]:

  • GET /:id/likes to query an object's likes (more precisely, the users that like that object)

  • POST /:id/likes to like something (on behalf of the auth'ed user; no req body needed)

  • DELETE /:id/likes to unlike something (on behalf of the auth'ed user)

The querying and creating make sense, but the DELETE is a bit "unRESTful", because you're not actually deleting the /:id/likes resource (an array of users that like that object).

This discrepancy shows itself in another case [2]:

  • GET /me/likes/:id to query whether you like something

So querying your connection is querying a totally different resource than creating or deleting it.

GitHub leans to the /me/likes/:id style for following users and starring repos [3]:

(Note that GitHub's /user represents the auth'ed user, like Facebook's /me.)

  • GET /user/starred/:owner/:repo for querying whether you have a repo starred (returns 204 or 404, no body either way)

  • PUT /user/starred/:owner/:repo for starring a repo (no body needed in request)

  • DELETE /user/starred/:owner/:repo for unstarring a repo

This is much more consistent, but unfortunately this separates individual "stars" from the group:

  • GET /repos/:owner/:repo/stargazers to query the users who've starred a repo

GitHub, interestingly, uses a different style for starring gists [4]:

  • GET /gists/:id/star for querying whether you have a gist starred

  • PUT /gists/:id/star for starring a gist

  • DELETE /gists/:id/star for unstarring a gist

This keeps the starring action with the gist resource, like Facebook, rather than the user resource.

GitHub doesn't publicly expose gists' stargazers, but presumably it'd be e.g.:

  • GET /gists/:id/stargazers to query the users who've starred a gist

While "stargazers" is indeed a different resource/name than "star", the names are similar and clearly related, and they're both on the same resource.

The only downside I can think of to this is naming the resource. Something like star works, but actions like follow or like are trickier.

(Not bothering to include the Twitter API as an example since it's hardly RESTful.)

There's clearly no perfectly RESTful API for creating/querying/deleting things that aren't proper resources, but are there other pros/cons I'm not seeing, or other styles to consider?


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Aseem Kishore Avatar asked Nov 12 '22 16:11

Aseem Kishore

1 Answers

One thing I liked about the /me/likes/:id style is that the likes do feel like individual, addressable resources -- e.g. they have individual IDs (that happen to be the same as the things I'm liking).

GitHub's repo API uses this nicely for creating/querying/deleting "star" connections to repos, but there's a discrepancy for fetching all "star" connections for a given repo.

Perhaps the discrepancy could be addressed by changing the way you address these connections: instead of relying solely on the object ID, use the (auth'ed) user's ID too. E.g.:

  • GET /:owner/:repo/stargazers to query all the users who've starred this repo

  • GET /:owner/:repo/stargazers/:id to query whether user :id has the repo starred -- this can be the auth'ed user by specifying me!

  • PUT /:owner/:repo/stargazers/me to star a repo -- this'll only work for the auth'ed user

  • DELETE /:owner/:repo/stargazers/me to unstar a repo -- ditto

Now all the resources/actions are together, the actions are consistent, and naming is easy.

Edit: Another benefit of this approach is that you can easily and efficiently query whether other users like/follow/star an object, as well.

Edit: But a downside is that the resources aren't technically correct anymore -- GET .../stargazers returns a list of users, but GET .../stargazers/:id returns a connection, not a user. Oh well?

[Edited again to support passing me as the :id here too.]

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Aseem Kishore Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11

Aseem Kishore