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REST design for file uploads [closed]

I want to create a REST API for a file upload service that allows a user to:

  1. Open a session
  2. Upload a bunch of files
  3. Close the session

And then later, come back and do things with the files they uploaded in a previous session.

To facilitate dealing with data about each file and dealing with the content of the file itself, this is the URI scheme I am thinking of using:

/sessions/ /sessions/3 /sessions/3/files /sessions/3/files/5 /sessions/3/file/5/content /sessions/3/file/5/metadata 

This will allow the file metadata to be dealt with separately from the file content. In this case, only a GET is allowed on the file content and file metadata, and to update either one, a new file has to be PUT.

Does this make sense? If not, why and how could it be better?

like image 245
cdeszaq Avatar asked Dec 08 '11 19:12


People also ask

Can we upload file using REST API?

You can use this parameter to set metadata values to a collection already assigned to any parent folder. The rules are the same as those applied to the set metadata values REST API. Use Content-Type: application/json to describe this information as a JSON object. File to upload.

How do I receive files in REST API?

To attach a file, you must include it with the Body as form-data. Once you are in the Body → form-data fields, you must enter a KEY . This should be “file” or whichever value you specified in the @RequestPart(“[value]”) . After doing so, a dropdown will appear that gives you the option of Text or File.

1 Answers

Why do you need sessions? Is it for Authentication and Authorization reasons? If so I would use http basic with SSL or digest. As such there is no start or end session, because http is stateless and security headers are sent on each request.

Suggestion of upload resource would be to directly map as private filesystem

  # returns all files and subdirs of root dir GET /{userId}/files GET /{userId}/files/file1 GET /{userId}/files/dir1 # create or update file PUT /{userId}/files/file2    

When uploading file content you then would use multipart content type.

Revised answer after comment

I would design your wanted separation of file-content and payload by introducing link (to file-content) inside upload payload. It eases resource structure.

Representation 'upload' resource:

  {   "upload-content" : "http://storage.org/2a34cafa" ,   "metadata" : "{ .... }"  }  

Resource actions:

  # upload file resource POST /files -> HTTP 201 CREATED  -> target location is shown by HTTP header 'Location: /files/2a34cafa  # /uploads as naming feels a bit more natural as /files POST /sessions/{sessionId}/uploads -> HTTP 201 CREATED -> HTTP header: 'Location: /sessions/{sessionId}/uploads/1 -> also returning payload  # Updating upload (like metadata) /PUT/sessions/{sessionId}/uploads/1    
like image 187
manuel aldana Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 20:11

manuel aldana