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resource style/LaunchTheme not found

I just changed the icon for my app to a newer one and now whenever i try to build and run the app i get the following error:

 Project\build\app\intermediates\manifests\full\debug\AndroidManifest.xml:49: AAPT: 
 error: resource style/LaunchTheme (aka 
 com.example.project:style/LaunchTheme) not found.

I used the flutter_launcher_icon package to make the icons and I have tried the solutions provided online but none of them seemed to help

Android file directory

like image 995
Darwish Al-Neyadi Avatar asked Dec 05 '22 11:12

Darwish Al-Neyadi

2 Answers

Ok, looks like you don't have your styles.xml file which has the theme.

Create a file named styles.xml inside the folder res/values and add this content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <style name="LaunchTheme" parent="@android:style/Theme.Black.NoTitleBar">
            <!-- Show a splash screen on the activity. Automatically removed when
                 Flutter draws its first frame -->
            <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/launch_background</item>
            <item name="android:windowFullscreen">true</item> 
like image 195
diegoveloper Avatar answered Dec 21 '22 22:12


I solve like this my androidmanifest-> call NormalTheme but my styles.xml folder has LaunchTheme so i change the name problem has solved :)

like image 35
Eray Hamurlu Avatar answered Dec 21 '22 21:12

Eray Hamurlu