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Resharper indenting the XML documentation text on code cleanup?

People also ask

How do you code cleanup?

Right-click on the project or solution name in Solution Explorer, select Analyze and Code Cleanup, and then select Run Code Cleanup.

How do I set rules in resharper?

Select the scope where you want to reformat code: Make a selection in the editor to reformat code in the selection. Set the caret anywhere in the file to reformat code in the file. Select one or more items in the Solution Explorer to reformat code in files under these items and their child items.

What does code cleanup do in Intellij?

tip. You can also run code cleanup using the command-line utility. JetBrains Rider allows you to apply formatting and other code style preferences in a bulk mode to instantly eliminate code style violations in one or more files, in a project or in the entire solution.

What is code cleanup in Visual Studio 2019?

"Code Cleanup is a new feature of Visual Studio 2019 that will automatically clean up your code file to make sure it is formatted correctly and that your coding style preferences are applied," the marketplace description says.

In ReSharper 8.0 (latest EAP) without StyleCop, go to ReSharper | Option -> Code Editing | XML Doc Comments | Formatting Style, and in section Tag content find two options named Indent inside element.... Set them to No indent at all to avoid indentation. I don't know if that would work with StyleCop.

Resharper is quite funny at times and considering what it does is like banging head to the wall :P

I too faced same issue and ended up using this tool http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/46A20578-F0D5-4B1E-B55D-F001A6345748

Its really awesome, once installed, select property, class, method and do ctrl+shift+D and you can see the wonder.

Hope this helps.