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Resharper ctrl click not working Visual Studio 2015

Resharper has suddenly decided that ctrl alt click and ctrl click are no longer a thing.

I've applied the resharper scheme again

Cleared the resharper cache

Reset the visual studio keyboard Tools > Environment -> Keyboard

Any suggestions?

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DanTheNorthernCodeMonkey Avatar asked Apr 25 '16 11:04


People also ask

Why does Ctrl click not work?

The possible reasons include: There is a physical problem with the Ctrl button. There is a bad Windows update. The HID driver is corrupted or improper.

How I can make Ctrl Click to go to definition in Visual Studio code?

Tip: You can jump to the definition with Ctrl+Click or open the definition to the side with Ctrl+Alt+Click.

What is Ctrl click?

While in a browser, pressing and holding Ctrl and then clicking any hyperlink opens that link in a new tab. This shortcut is helpful for when you're reading a web page and are interested in a link, but want to continue reading the current page.

2 Answers

There's one more possible culprit (at least in Visual Studio 2017). If none of the solutions work (like for me). You should go to:

Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> General 

and turn off the Enable mouse click to perform Go To Definition or change the modifier key to something else.

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SmartK8 Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10


Thank you @SmartK8 for your answer. I have Visual Studio 2017 (15.4.4) and ReSharper 2017.2.1. I have found that CTRL-Click will actually navigate twice in this scenario. It is super annoying and depending on where your mouse is and where you land you can actually navigate twice.
You can tell this is happening because of the "double underline" on the navigation UI hint. Check it out:

enter image description here

To turn off Visual Studio's navigate option, go to: Tools > Options > Text Editor > General. And vote up @SmartK8's answer for this wisdom! Now only ReSharper's navigation will remain.

Alternately, you can turn off ReSharper's navigation by going to ReSharper > Options > Search & Navigation. Uncheck Rich mouse navigation in the editor.

I have decided to keep ReSharper's navigation since I can go to definition or implementation. (Going to implementation is nice when a method is declared in an interface).

Haha, and for the double underline? The underline that is 1 pixel below is the Visual Studio one. The underline that is 3 pixels below is the ReSharper one!

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Jess Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10
