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Reset SharedPreferences?

I used the method in ShredPreferences, this way I saved my app-settind, But I have a question. Is it possible to Reset my saved settings, and come back to default value? The code that I'm using saves the changes of ImageButton's image. I would like to reset settings and restore default value after a click of a specific Reset-Button.

Thanks for everything!

private static final String Mypref= "pref";

final SharedPreferences pref = getSharedPreferences(Mypref, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
buttonClick1.setImageResource(pref.getInt(Mypref, R.drawable.default_value));

SharedPreferences.Editor editor = pref.edit();
editor.putInt("Mypref", R.drawable.users_value_chosen);
like image 455
ulyssessPax Avatar asked Mar 07 '14 13:03


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1 Answers

You can simply remove (clear) shared preferences. Then, when you read them, just provide default values in the code.


The next line will use R.drawable.default_value as a default value, because preferences were deleted.

like image 199
sergej shafarenka Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 09:09

sergej shafarenka