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Reset mock verification in Moq?

Setup as so:

public interface IFoo {     void Fizz(); }  [Test] public void A() {     var foo = new Mock<IFoo>(MockBehavior.Loose);      foo.Object.Fizz();      foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz());      // stuff here      foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz(), Times.Never()); // currently this fails } 

Basically I'd like to enter some code at the // stuff here to make the foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz(), Times.Never()) pass.

And because this probably constitutes moq/unit testing abuse, my justification is so I can do something like this:

[Test] public void Justification() {     var foo = new Mock<IFoo>(MockBehavior.Loose);     foo.Setup(x => x.Fizz());      var objectUnderTest = new ObjectUnderTest(foo.Object);      objectUnderTest.DoStuffToPushIntoState1(); // this is various lines of code and setup      foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz());      // reset the verification here      objectUnderTest.DoStuffToPushIntoState2(); // more lines of code      foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz(), Times.Never()); } 

Basically, I have a state object where a fair bit of work (both in terms of making various mock objects and other faffing around) is requires to push it into State1. Then I want to test the transition from State1 to State2. Instead of duplicating or abstracting the code I'd prefer to just re-use the State1 test, push it into State2 and perform my Asserts - all of which I can do except the verification calls.

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fostandy Avatar asked Nov 12 '10 10:11


People also ask

What does MOQ verify do?

Verifies that all verifiable expectations have been met.

What can be mocked with MOQ?

Unit testing is a powerful way to ensure that your code works as intended. It's a great way to combat the common “works on my machine” problem. Using Moq, you can mock out dependencies and make sure that you are testing the code in isolation.

2 Answers

This is now supported in Moq

Use .Invocations.Clear() on the latest version of the library:

var foo = new Mock<foo>(); foo.Invocations.Clear(); 

Old answer

I think long after this post was created they added the functionality that the OP had asked for, there is a Moq extension method called Moq.MockExtensions.ResetCalls().

With this method you can do exactly what you wished as shown below:

[Test] public void Justification() {     var foo = new Mock<IFoo>(MockBehavior.Loose);     foo.Setup(x => x.Fizz());      var objectUnderTest = new ObjectUnderTest(foo.Object);      objectUnderTest.DoStuffToPushIntoState1(); // this is various lines of code and setup      foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz());      foo.ResetCalls(); // *** Reset the verification here with this glorious method ***      objectUnderTest.DoStuffToPushIntoState2(); // more lines of code      foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz(), Times.Never()); } 
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stackunderflow Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09


I don't think you can reset a mock like this. Instead, if you know that Fizz should be called once when transitioning to state 1, you can do your verifies like this:

objectUnderTest.DoStuffToPushIntoState1(); foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz(), Times.Once());  // or however many times you expect it to be called  objectUnderTest.DoStuffToPushIntoState2(); foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz(), Times.Once()); 

Having said that, I would still create two separate tests for this. As two tests, it's easier to see whether the transition into state 1 is failing, or the transition into state 2 is failing. Additionally, when tested together like this, if your transition into state 1 fails, the test method exits and your transition into state 2 doesn't get tested.


As an example of this, I tested the following code with xUnit:

[Fact] public void Test() {     var foo = new Mock<IFoo>(MockBehavior.Loose);      foo.Object.Fizz();     foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz(), Times.Once(), "Failed After State 1");      // stuff here     foo.Object.Fizz();     foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz(), Times.Once(), "Failed after State 2");  } 

This test fails with the message, "Failed after State 2". This simulates what would happen if your method that pushes foo into State 2 calls Fizz. If it does, the second Verify will fail.

Looking at your code again, since you are calling one method to verify it does/does not call another method on the mock, I think you need to set CallBase to true so that the base DoStuffToPushIntoState2 is called rather than the mock's override.

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Jeff Ogata Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Jeff Ogata