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Reset Embedded H2 database periodically




I'm setting up a new version of my application in a demo server and would love to find a way of resetting the database daily. I guess I can always have a cron job executing drop and create queries but I'm looking for a cleaner approach. I tried using a special persistence unit with drop-create approach but it doesn't work as the system connects and disconnects from the server frequently (on demand).

Is there a better approach?

like image 572
javydreamercsw Avatar asked Dec 15 '11 16:12


People also ask

How do I clear my H2 database?

The SQL DELETE query is used to delete the existing records from a table. We can use WHERE clause with DELETE query to delete selected records, otherwise all the records will be deleted.

How do I make my H2 database persistent?

If we want to persist the data in the H2 database, we should store data in a file. To achieve the same, we need to change the datasource URL property. In the above property, the sampledata is a file name.

2 Answers

H2 supports a special SQL statement to drop all objects:


If you don't want to drop all tables, you might want to use truncate table:

like image 102
Thomas Mueller Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 09:09

Thomas Mueller

As this response is the first Google result for "reset H2 database", I post my solution below :

After each JUnit @tests :

  • Disable integrity constraint
  • List all tables in the (default) PUBLIC schema
  • Truncate all tables
  • List all sequences in the (default) PUBLIC schema
  • Reset all sequences
  • Reenable the constraints.

    @After public void tearDown() {     try {         clearDatabase();     } catch (Exception e) {         Fail.fail(e.getMessage());     } }  public void clearDatabase() throws SQLException {     Connection c = datasource.getConnection();     Statement s = c.createStatement();      // Disable FK     s.execute("SET REFERENTIAL_INTEGRITY FALSE");      // Find all tables and truncate them     Set<String> tables = new HashSet<String>();     ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES  where TABLE_SCHEMA='PUBLIC'");     while (rs.next()) {         tables.add(rs.getString(1));     }     rs.close();     for (String table : tables) {         s.executeUpdate("TRUNCATE TABLE " + table);     }      // Idem for sequences     Set<String> sequences = new HashSet<String>();     rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT SEQUENCE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SEQUENCES WHERE SEQUENCE_SCHEMA='PUBLIC'");     while (rs.next()) {         sequences.add(rs.getString(1));     }     rs.close();     for (String seq : sequences) {         s.executeUpdate("ALTER SEQUENCE " + seq + " RESTART WITH 1");     }      // Enable FK     s.execute("SET REFERENTIAL_INTEGRITY TRUE");     s.close();     c.close(); } 

The other solution would be to recreatethe database at the begining of each tests. But that might be too long in case of big DB.

like image 39
Nils Renaud Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09

Nils Renaud