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Request["key"] vs Request.Params["key"] vs Request.QueryString["key"]

Request["key"] vs Request.Params["key"] vs Request.QueryString["key"]

Which method do you seasoned programmers use? and why?

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Chris Avatar asked Feb 22 '10 17:02


1 Answers

I recommend Request.QueryString["key"]. There isn't a lot of difference to Request["Key"] for a query string but there is a big(er) difference if you are trying to get the value from ServerVariables. Request["Key"] looks for a value in QueryString if null, it looks at Form, then Cookie and finally ServerVariables.

Using Params is the most costly. The first request to params creates a new NameValueCollection and adds each of the QueryString, Form, Cookie and ServerVariables to this collection. For the second request on it is more performant than Request["Key"].

Having said that the performance difference for a couple of keys is fairly negligable. The key here is code should show intent and using Request.QueryString makes it clear what your intent is.

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btlog Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
