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Moq + Unit Testing - System.Reflection.TargetParameterCountException: Parameter count mismatch

I'm tring to use a lambda with a multiple-params function but Moq throws this exception at runtime when I attempt to call the mock.Object.Convert(value, null, null, null); line.

System.Reflection.TargetParameterCountException: Parameter count mismatch

The code is:

var mock = new Mock<IValueConverter>();  mock.Setup(conv => conv.Convert(It.IsAny<Object>(), It.IsAny<Type>(),     It.IsAny<Object>(), It.IsAny<CultureInfo>())).Returns((Int32 num) => num + 5);  var value = 5; var expected = 10; var actual = mock.Object.Convert(value, null, null, null); 

What is the proper way to implement it?

like image 729
myermian Avatar asked Oct 10 '11 14:10


2 Answers

It's your Returns clause. You have a 4 parameter method that you're setting up, but you're only using a 1 parameter lambda. I ran the following without issue:

[TestMethod] public void IValueConverter() {     var myStub = new Mock<IValueConverter>();     myStub.Setup(conv => conv.Convert(It.IsAny<object>(), It.IsAny<Type>(), It.IsAny<object>(), It.IsAny<CultureInfo>())).         Returns((object one, Type two, object three, CultureInfo four) => (int)one + 5);      var value = 5;     var expected = 10;      var actual = myStub.Object.Convert(value, null, null, null);      Assert.AreEqual<int>(expected, (int) actual); } 

No exceptions, test passed.

like image 123
Erik Dietrich Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 03:09

Erik Dietrich

Not an answer for OP but perhaps for future googlers:

I had a Callback that didn't match the signature of the method being setup

Mock     .Setup(r => r.GetNextCustomerNumber(It.IsAny<int>()))     .Returns(AccountCounter++)     .Callback<string, int>(badStringParam, leadingDigit =>     {         // Doing stuff here, note that the 'GetNextCustomerNumber' signature is a single int          // but the callback unreasonably expects an additional string parameter.     }); 

This was the result of some refactoring and the refactoring tool of course couldn't realise that the Callback signature was incorrect

like image 24
fiat Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 03:09
