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Requesting Permissions at Run Time Ionic

In Android Marshmallow users grant permissons to apps while the app is runing,not when they install the app so how to check and grant Permissons at Run-Time in ionic ?

like image 536
Houssem Avatar asked Mar 29 '16 10:03


People also ask

How do I request runtime permission?

Requesting Android Runtime Permissions For this the following method needs to be called on every permission. checkSelfPermission(String perm); It returns an integer value of PERMISSION_GRANTED or PERMISSION_DENIED.

How do I ask for location permissions in ionic?

You can request runtime permission to use location with requestLocationAuthorization(). Calling it on a device running Android 5 (API 22) or below will have no effect as the permissions are already granted at installation time. You can check if user has switched off location using isLocationEnabled().

What is run time permission?

Runtime permissions prevent apps from gaining access to private data without a user's consent, and provide them with additional context and visibility into the types of permissions that applications are either seeking, or have been granted.

1 Answers

You can use cordova-diagnostic-plugin to check and request Android runtime permissions:

Check a permission:

        case cordova.plugins.diagnostic.runtimePermissionStatus.GRANTED:
            console.log("Permission granted to use the camera");
        case cordova.plugins.diagnostic.runtimePermissionStatus.NOT_REQUESTED:
            console.log("Permission to use the camera has not been requested yet");
        case cordova.plugins.diagnostic.runtimePermissionStatus.DENIED:
            console.log("Permission denied to use the camera - ask again?");
        case cordova.plugins.diagnostic.runtimePermissionStatus.DENIED_ALWAYS:
            console.log("Permission permanently denied to use the camera - guess we won't be using it then!");
}, function(error){
    console.error("The following error occurred: "+error);
}, cordova.plugins.diagnostic.runtimePermission.CAMERA);

Request a permission:

        case cordova.plugins.diagnostic.runtimePermissionStatus.GRANTED:
            console.log("Permission granted to use the camera");
        case cordova.plugins.diagnostic.runtimePermissionStatus.NOT_REQUESTED:
            console.log("Permission to use the camera has not been requested yet");
        case cordova.plugins.diagnostic.runtimePermissionStatus.DENIED:
            console.log("Permission denied to use the camera - ask again?");
        case cordova.plugins.diagnostic.runtimePermissionStatus.DENIED_ALWAYS:
            console.log("Permission permanently denied to use the camera - guess we won't be using it then!");
}, function(error){
    console.error("The following error occurred: "+error);
}, cordova.plugins.diagnostic.runtimePermission.CAMERA);
like image 54
DaveAlden Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09
