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Request location on the Apple Watch only, without code on the paired phone

I've looked everywhere including Apple's sample app. But I can't find anywhere when I can request location without needing any code running on the phone, the below code when used in an 'interface controller' returns a "not determined" status. I did check that my info.plist has the privacy key values set.

import Foundation
import CoreLocation

class LocationManager: NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate {

    /// Location manager to request authorization and location updates.
    let manager = CLLocationManager()

    /// Flag indicating whether the manager is requesting the user's location.
    var isRequestingLocation = false

      var workoutLocation: CLLocation?

    func requestLocation() {

        guard !isRequestingLocation else {
            isRequestingLocation = false

        let authorizationStatus = CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus()

        switch authorizationStatus {
        case .notDetermined:
            isRequestingLocation = true

        case .authorizedWhenInUse:
            isRequestingLocation = true

        case .denied:
            print("Location Authorization Denied")
            print("Location AUthorization Status Unknown")

    func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
        guard !locations.isEmpty else { return }

        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            let lastLocationCoordinate = locations.last!.coordinate

            print("Lat =  \(lastLocationCoordinate.latitude)")

            print("Long = \(lastLocationCoordinate.longitude)")

            self.isRequestingLocation = false


Main App info.plist

    <string>We will read your location while performing a workout to create a workout route</string>
    <string>We will read your location while performing a workout to create a workout route</string>
    <string>We will read your location while performing a workout to create a workout route</string>

Watch Extension info.plist

    <string>We will read your location while performing a workout to create a workout route</string>
    <string>We will read your location while performing a workout to create a workout route</string>
    <string>We will read your location while performing a workout to create a workout route</string>
like image 593
GarySabo Avatar asked Nov 29 '17 01:11


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Location-Based Alerts: Your iPhone and Apple Watch will use your location in order to provide you with geographically relevant alerts, such as a reminder to call someone when you get to a specific place, when to leave for your next appointment, or an app or shortcut recommendation based on where you currently are.

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Question: Q: Tracking runs on apple watch without cellularYes, it is able to do that. Apple Watch Series 3 (GPS) has built-in GPS, which does not require the paired iPhone to be taken along when running.

1 Answers

As of watchOS 6.0/ Xcode 11, this is now possible. To enable it, the watch extension target must have the box checked for Supports running without iOS App installation

After checking this setting and rebuilding, my requestWhenInUseAuthorization call showed the prompt on the watch face as expected.


like image 54
Nick Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 23:11
