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Representing 40,000,000 seconds as an ISO-8601 period



40,000,000 seconds is 462.962 days. If I wanted to represent that as an ISO-8601 period, in this form:


What are the rules for determining months and years? Neither are precise terms, and the standard says that it depends on the start date of the period.

This makes sense: it makes the period ambiguous without a start date. Are there any accepted means of using a period without a start date?

like image 692
Paul Beckingham Avatar asked Dec 14 '13 05:12

Paul Beckingham

People also ask

How do I specify the duration in an ISO 8601 format?

Briefly, the ISO 8601 notation consists of a P character, followed by years, months, weeks, and days, followed by a T character, followed by hours, minutes, and seconds with a decimal part, each with a single-letter suffix that indicates the unit. Any zero components may be omitted.

What is Z in ISO 8601 date format?

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Z is the zone designator for the zero UTC offset. "09:30 UTC" is therefore represented as "09:30Z" or "T0930Z".

What time zone is ISO 8601?

Universal Coordinate Time is the time at the zero meridian, near Greenwich, England. UTC is a datetime value that uses the ISO 8601 basic form yyyymmddT hhmmss+|– hhmm or the ISO 8601 extended form yyyy-mm-ddT hh:mm:ss+|– hh:mm.

1 Answers

Ok, let's put some order:

The standard support both types that is: Dates as a specific point in time since year 0000 and until year 9999.
Or Durations which may describe a timespan between two dates or an arbiter duration/timespan which is not between two specific dates. Luckily when you specify durations the standard is much more flexible than with dates :)

So how can we tell the difference between a duration which belong between dates and an arbiter duration?
Simple: if you specified "P1Y" which is one year - that is exactly what you got.
If you want to calculate how much this 1 year has in days - that will be depended on the starting date you are applying this one year upon.
In example, if say the start date is 1/1/2010 (So February has 28 days which is normal) your 1 year value in calculation will yield 365 days. But if say the start date is 1/1/2012 (So February has 29 days due to leap year) your 1 year value will yield 366 days in it...

But in both cases you wanted 1 year - and you got 1 year. Therefore the 1st thing is not to use years in duration in your case since what you really want is to specify the equivalent of 40000000 in seconds - just shortly... so our next alternative is to specify it in days and the .962 as a part of one day:

40000000 seconds is 462 days, 23 hours, 6 minutes and 40 seconds and according to what I read in the ISO-8601 this can be specified as duration like that: "P462DT23H6M40S" or you can simply specify "PT40000000S" or even "P462.962D" - all goes in duration.

To ease the pain of calculating you can use this very simple C# Line:
var timespan = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 40000000);
Simply put a breakpoint after it and look at the internals the Timespan class calculated for you.
Putting those into ISO-8601 format is rather easy after that point.

Oh and last thing - yes you can specify fractions too - such as "P0.5Y" to specify half year.

like image 50
G.Y Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10