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Represent Ordering in a Relational Database

I have a collection of objects in a database. Images in a photo gallery, products in a catalog, chapters in a book, etc. Each object is represented as a row. I want to be able to arbitrarily order these images, storing that ordering in the database so when I display the objects, they will be in the right order.

For example, let's say I'm writing a book, and each chapter is an object. I write my book, and put the chapters in the following order:

Introduction, Accessibility, Form vs. Function, Errors, Consistency, Conclusion, Index

It goes to the editor, and comes back with the following suggested order:

Introduction, Form, Function, Accessibility, Consistency, Errors, Conclusion, Index

How can I store this ordering in the database in a robust, efficient way?

I've had the following ideas, but I'm not thrilled with any of them:

  1. Array. Each row has an ordering ID, when order is changed (via a removal followed by an insertion), the order IDs are updated. This makes retrieval easy, since it's just ORDER BY, but it seems easy to break.

    // REMOVAL
    UPDATE ... SET orderingID=NULL WHERE orderingID=removedID
    UPDATE ... SET orderingID=orderingID-1 WHERE orderingID > removedID
    UPDATE ... SET orderingID=orderingID+1 WHERE orderingID > insertionID
    UPDATE ... SET orderID=insertionID WHERE ID=addedID

  2. Linked list. Each row has a column for the id of the next row in the ordering. Traversal seems costly here, though there may by some way to use ORDER BY that I'm not thinking of.

  3. Spaced array. Set the orderingID (as used in #1) to be large, so the first object is 100, the second is 200, etc. Then when an insertion happens, you just place it at (objectBefore + objectAfter)/2. Of course, this would need to be rebalanced occasionally, so you don't have things too close together (even with floats, you'd eventually run into rounding errors).

None of these seem particularly elegant to me. Does anyone have a better way to do it?

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tghw Avatar asked Aug 21 '08 23:08


People also ask

Does the order of rows matter in a relational database?

The relational model has no concept of ordering of columns within rows and no concept of ordering of rows within tables.

Are database tables ordered?

Data in tables are unsorted. The actual physical order of rows in a relational table is undetermined. However, some databases will order rows on disks according to a clustered index.

2 Answers

An other alternative would be (if your RDBMS supports it) to use columns of type array. While this breaks the normalization rules, it can be useful in situations like this. One database which I know about that has arrays is PostgreSQL.

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Grey Panther Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09

Grey Panther

The acts_as_list mixin in Rails handles this basically the way you outlined in #1. It looks for an INTEGER column called position (of which you can override to name of course) and using that to do an ORDER BY. When you want to re-order things you update the positions. It has served me just fine every time I've used it.

As a side note, you can remove the need to always do re-positioning on INSERTS/DELETES by using sparse numbering -- kind of like basic back in the day... you can number your positions 10, 20, 30, etc. and if you need to insert something in between 10 and 20 you just insert it with a position of 15. Likewise when deleting you can just delete the row and leave the gap. You only need to do re-numbering when you actually change the order or if you try to do an insert and there is no appropriate gap to insert into.

Of course depending on your particular situation (e.g. whether you have the other rows already loaded into memory or not) it may or may not make sense to use the gap approach.

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John Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09
