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Replace parts of a variable using numeric indices in dplyr. Do I need to create an index column and use ifelse?




At one stage in longer chain of dplyr functions, I need to replace parts of a variable using numeric indices to specify which elements to replace.

My data looks like this:

df1 <- data.frame(grp = rep(1:2, each = 3),
                  a = 1:6,
                  b = rep(c(10, 20), each = 3))
#   grp a  b
# 1   1 1 10
# 2   1 2 10
# 3   1 3 10
# 4   2 4 20
# 5   2 5 20
# 6   2 6 20

Assume that we, within each group, wish to replace elements in variable a with the corresponding elements in b, at one or more positions. In this simple example I use a single index (id), but this could be a vector of indices. First, here's how I would do it with ddply:

id <- 2    
ddply(.data = df1, .variables = .(grp), function(x){
  x$a[id] <- x$b[id]

#   grp  a  b
# 1   1  1 10
# 2   1 10 10
# 3   1  3 10
# 4   2  4 20
# 5   2 20 20
# 6   2  6 20

In dplyr I could think of some different ways to perform the replacement. (1) Use do with an anonymous function, similar to the one used in ddply. (2) Use mutate: concatenate a vector where the replacement is 'inserted' using numeric indexing. This is probably only fruitful for a single index. (3) Use mutate: create an index vector and use conditional replacement with ifelse (see e.g. here, here, here, and here).

detach("package:plyr", unload = TRUE)

# (1)
fun_do <- function(df){
  l <- df %.%
    group_by(grp) %.%
      dat$a[id] <- dat$b[id]
  do.call(rbind, l)

# (2)
fun_mut <- function(df){
  df %.%
  group_by(grp) %.%
    a = c(a[1:(id - 1)], b[id], a[(id + 1):length(a)])

# (3)
fun_mut_ifelse <- function(df){
  df %.%
    group_by(grp) %.%
      idx = 1:n(),
      a = ifelse(idx %in% id, b, a)) %.%


In a benchmark with a slightly larger data set, the 'jigsaw puzzle insertion' is fastest, but again, this method is probably only suited for single replacements. And it doesn't look very clean...

df2 <- data.frame(grp = rep(1:200, each = 3),
                  a = rnorm(600),
                  b = rnorm(600))

               times = 10)

# Unit: microseconds
#                expr       min        lq    median        uq       max neval
#         fun_do(df2) 48443.075 49912.682 51356.631 53369.644 55108.769    10
#        fun_mut(df2)   891.420   933.996  1019.906  1066.663  1155.235    10
# fun_mut_ifelse(df2)  2503.579  2667.798  2869.270  3027.407  3138.787    10

Just to check the influence of the do.call(rbind part in the do function, try without it:

fun_do2 <- function(df){
  df %.%
    group_by(grp) %.%
      dat$a[2] <- dat$b[2]

Then a new benchmark on a larger data set:

df3 <- data.frame(grp = rep(1:2000, each = 3),
                  a = rnorm(6000),
                  b = rnorm(6000))

               times = 10)

Again, a simple 'insertion' is fastest, while the do function is losing ground. In the help text do is described as "a general purpose complement" to the other dplyr functions. To me it seemed to be a natural choice for an anonymous function. However, I was surprised that do was so much slower, also when the non-dplyr rbinding part was skipped. Currently, the do documentation is rather scarce, so I wonder if I am abusing the function, and that there may be more appropriate (undocumented?) ways to do it?

I got no hits on index/indices when I searched the dplyr help text or vignette. So now I wonder:
Are there other dplyr methods to replace parts of a variable using numeric indices which I have overlooked? Specifically, is the creation of an index column in combination with ifelse the way to go, or are there more direct a[i] <- b[i]-like alternatives?

Edit following comment from @G.Grothendieck (Thanks!). Added replace alternative (a candidate for 'See also' in ?[).

fun_replace <- function(df){
  df %.%
    group_by(grp) %.%
      a = replace(a, id, b[id]))

               times = 10)

# Unit: milliseconds
#                expr        min         lq     median         uq        max neval
#         fun_do(df3) 685.154605 693.327160 706.055271 712.180410 851.757790    10
#        fun_do2(df3) 291.787455 294.047747 297.753888 299.624730 302.368554    10
#        fun_mut(df3)   5.736640   5.883753   6.206679   6.353222   7.381871    10
# fun_mut_ifelse(df3)  24.321894  26.091049  29.361553  32.649924  52.981525    10
#    fun_replace(df3)   4.616757   4.748665   4.981689   5.279716   5.911503    10

replace function is fastest, and for sure easier to use than fun_mut when there are more than one index.

Edit 2 fun_do and fun_do2 no longer works in dplyr 0.2; Error: Results are not data frames at positions:

like image 970
Henrik Avatar asked May 13 '14 22:05


1 Answers

Here's a much faster modify-in-place approach:


# select rows we want, then assign b to a for those rows, in place
fun_dt = function(dt) dt[dt[, .I[id], by = grp]$V1, a := b]

# benchmark
df4 = data.frame(grp = rep(1:20000, each = 3),
                 a = rnorm(60000),
                 b = rnorm(60000))
dt4 = as.data.table(df4)


# using fastest function from OP
microbenchmark(fun_dt(dt4), fun_replace(df4), times = 10)
#Unit: milliseconds
#             expr      min        lq    median        uq       max neval
#      fun_dt(dt4) 15.62325  17.22828  18.42445  20.83768  21.25371    10
# fun_replace(df4) 99.03505 107.31529 116.74830 188.89134 286.50199    10
like image 174
eddi Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09
