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replace part of path - python

Is there a quick way to replace part of the path in python?

for example:


I don't know the beginning of the path (/abc/dfg/), so what I'd really like to tell python to keep everything that comes after /ghi/ (inclusive) and replace everything before /ghi/ with /jkl/mno/:

>>> new_path
like image 661
HappyPy Avatar asked Dec 02 '14 20:12


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The pathlib is a Python module which provides an object API for working with files and directories. The pathlib is a standard module. Path is the core object to work with files.

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1 Answers

If you're using Python 3.4+, or willing to install the backport, consider using pathlib instead of os.path:

path = pathlib.Path(old_path)
index = path.parts.index('ghi')
new_path = pathlib.Path('/jkl/mno').joinpath(*path.parts[index:])

If you just want to stick with the 2.7 or 3.3 stdlib, there's no direct way to do this, but you can get the equivalent of parts by looping over os.path.split. For example, keeping each path component until you find the first ghi, and then tacking on the new prefix, will replace everything before the last ghi (if you want to replace everything before the first ghi, it's not hard to change things):

path = old_path
new_path = ''
while True:
    path, base = os.path.split(path)
    new_path = os.path.join(base, new_path)
    if base == 'ghi':
new_path = os.path.join('/jkl/mno', new_path)

This is a bit clumsy, so you might want to consider writing a simple function that gives you a list or tuple of the path components, so you can just use find, then join it all back together, as with the pathlib version.

like image 136
abarnert Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10
