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Replace multiple whitespaces with single whitespace in JavaScript string

People also ask

How do I replace multiple spaces with one space?

The metacharacter “\s” matches spaces and + indicates the occurrence of the spaces one or more times, therefore, the regular expression \S+ matches all the space characters (single or multiple). Therefore, to replace multiple spaces with a single space.

How do I replace multiple spaces with single space in bash?

Continuing with that same thought, if your string with spaces is already stored in a variable, you can simply use echo unquoted within command substitution to have bash remove the additional whitespace for your, e.g. $ foo="too many spaces."; bar=$(echo $foo); echo "$bar" too many spaces.

How do you remove double spacing in JavaScript?

Use JavaScript's string. replace() method with a regular expression to remove extra spaces. The dedicated RegEx to match any whitespace character is \s . Expand the whitespace selection from a single space to multiple using the \s+ RegEx.

How do I create a white space in JavaScript?

Use   It is the entity used to represent a non-breaking space.

Something like this:

var s = "  a  b     c  ";

  s.replace(/\s+/g, ' ')

You can augment String to implement these behaviors as methods, as in:

String.prototype.killWhiteSpace = function() {
    return this.replace(/\s/g, '');

String.prototype.reduceWhiteSpace = function() {
    return this.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');

This now enables you to use the following elegant forms to produce the strings you want:

"Get rid of my whitespaces.".killWhiteSpace();
"Get rid of my extra        whitespaces".reduceWhiteSpace();

using a regular expression with the replace function does the trick:

string.replace(/\s/g, "")

Here's a non-regex solution (just for fun):

var s = ' a   b   word word. word, wordword word   ';

// with ES5:
s = s.split(' ').filter(function(n){ return n != '' }).join(' ');
console.log(s); // "a b word word. word, wordword word"

// or ES2015:
s = s.split(' ').filter(n => n).join(' '); 
console.log(s); // "a b word word. word, wordword word"

Can even substitute filter(n => n) with .filter(String)

It splits the string by whitespaces, remove them all empty array items from the array (the ones which were more than a single space), and joins all the words again into a string, with a single whitespace in between them.