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How to access component methods from “outside” in ReactJS?

Why can’t I access the component methods from “outside” in ReactJS? Why is it not possible and is there any way to solve it?

Consider the code:

var Parent = React.createClass({     render: function() {         var child = <Child />;         return (             <div>                 {child.someMethod()} // expect "bar", got a "not a function" error.             </div>         );     } });  var Child = React.createClass({     render: function() {         return (             <div>                 foo             </div>         );     },     someMethod: function() {         return 'bar';     } });  React.renderComponent(<Parent />, document.body); 
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user1518183 Avatar asked Jul 19 '14 15:07


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The child component uses the props argument to know what to render. Now, we can pass a function to the props object. You see we passed a function () => [ "nnamdi", "chidume" ] to ChildComponent via name ,then it can access it by referencing it as key in the props argument: this.props.name .

2 Answers

React provides an interface for what you are trying to do via the ref attribute. Assign a component a ref, and its current attribute will be your custom component:

class Parent extends React.Class {     constructor(props) {         this._child = React.createRef();     }      componentDidMount() {         console.log(this._child.current.someMethod()); // Prints 'bar'     }      render() {         return (             <div>                 <Child ref={this._child} />             </div>         );     } } 

Note: This will only work if the child component is declared as a class, as per documentation found here: https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/refs-and-the-dom.html#adding-a-ref-to-a-class-component

Update 2019-04-01: Changed example to use a class and createRef per latest React docs.

Update 2016-09-19: Changed example to use ref callback per guidance from the ref String attribute docs.

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Ross Allen Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10

Ross Allen

If you want to call functions on components from outside React, you can call them on the return value of renderComponent:

var Child = React.createClass({…}); var myChild = React.renderComponent(Child); myChild.someMethod(); 

The only way to get a handle to a React Component instance outside of React is by storing the return value of React.renderComponent. Source.

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Sjoerd Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 09:10
