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Repeated integer division by a runtime constant value

At some point in my program I compute an integer divisor d. From that point onward d is going to be constant.

Later in the code I will divide by that d several times - performing an integer division, since the value of d is not a compile-time known constant.

Given that integer division is a relatively slow process compared to other kind of integer arithmetic, I would like to optimize it. Is there some alternative format that I could store d in, so that the division process would perform faster? Maybe a reciprocal of some form?

I do not need the value of d for anything else.

The value of d is any 64-bit integer, but usually fits in 32-bit quite well.

like image 769
CygnusX1 Avatar asked Jul 27 '17 14:07


3 Answers

There is a library for this—libdivide:

libdivide is an open source library for optimizing integer division

libdivide allows you to replace expensive integer divides with comparatively cheap multiplication and bitshifts. Compilers usually do this, but only when the divisor is known at compile time. libdivide allows you to take advantage of it at runtime. The result is that integer division can become faster - a lot faster. Furthermore, libdivide allows you to divide an SSE2 vector by a runtime constant, which is especially nice because SSE2 has no integer division instructions!

libdivide is free and open source with a permissive license. The name "libdivide" is a bit of a joke, as there is no library per se: the code is packaged entirely as a single header file, with both a C and a C++ API.

You can read about the algorithm behind it at this blog; for example, this entry.

Basically, the algorithm behind it is the same one that compilers use to optimize division by a constant, except that it allows these strength-reduction optimizations to be done at run-time.

Note: you can create an even faster version of libdivide. The idea is that for every divisor, you can always create a triplet (mul/add/shift), so this expression gives the result: (num*mul+add)>>shift (multiply is a wide multiply here). Interestingly, this method could beat the compiler version for constant division for several microbenchmarks!

Here's my implementation (this is not compilable out of the box, but the general algorithm can be seen):

struct Divider_u32 {
    u32 mul;
    u32 add;
    s32 shift;

    void set(u32 divider);

void Divider_u32::set(u32 divider) {
    s32 l = indexOfMostSignificantBit(divider);
    if (divider&(divider-1)) {
        u64 m = static_cast<u64>(1)<<(l+32);
        mul = static_cast<u32>(m/divider);

        u32 rem = static_cast<u32>(m)-mul*divider;
        u32 e = divider-rem;

        if (e<static_cast<u32>(1)<<l) {
            add = 0;
        } else {
            add = mul;
        shift = l;
    } else {
        if (divider==1) {
            mul = 0xffffffff;
            add = 0xffffffff;
            shift = 0;
        } else {
            mul = 0x80000000;
            add = 0;
            shift = l-1;

u32 operator/(u32 v, const Divider_u32 &div) {
    u32 t = static_cast<u32>((static_cast<u64>(v)*div.mul+div.add)>>32)>>div.shift;

    return t;
like image 177
geza Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 09:11


The book "Hacker's delight" has "Chapter 10: Integer division by constant" spanning 74 pages. You can find all the code examples for free in this directory: http://www.hackersdelight.org/hdcode.htm In your case, Figs. 10-1., 10-2 and 10-3 are what you want.

The problem of dividing by a constant d is equivalent to mutiplying by c = 1/d. These algorithms calculate such a constant for you. Once you have c, you calculate the dividend as such:

int divideByMyConstant(int dividend){
  int c = MAGIC; // Given by the algorithm

  // since 1/d < 1, c is actually (1<<k)/d to fit nicely ina 32 bit int
  int k = MAGIC_SHIFT; //Also given by the algorithm

  long long tmp = (long long)dividend * c; // use 64 bit to hold all the precision...

  tmp >>= k; // Manual floating point number =)

  return (int)tmp;
like image 30
ZeroUltimax Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 09:11


update - in my original answer, I noted an algorithm mentioned in a prior thread for compiler generated code for divide by constant. The assembly code was written to match a document linked to from that prior thread. The compiler generated code involves slightly different sequences depending on the divisor.

In this situation, the divisor is not known until runtime, so a common algorithm is desired. The example in geza's answer shows a common algorithm, which could be inlined in assembly code with GCC, but Visual Studio doesn't support inline assembly in 64 bit mode. In the case of Visual Studio, there's a trade off between the extra code involved if using intrinsics, versus calling a function written in assembly. On my system (Intel 3770k 3.5ghz) I tried calling a single function that does |mul add adc shr|, and I also tried using a pointer to function to optionally use shorter sequences |mul shr| or |shr(1) mul shr| depending on the divisor, but this provided little or no gain, depending on the compiler. The main overhead in this case is the call (versus |mul add adc shr| ). Even with the call overhead, the sequence|call mul add adc shr ret| averaged about 4 times as fast as divide on my system.

Note that the linked to source code for libdivide in geza's answer does not have a common routine that can handle a divisor == 1. The libdivide common sequence is multiply, subtract, shift(1), add, shift, versus geza's example c++ sequence of multiply, add, adc, shift.

My original answer: the example code below uses the algorithm described in a prior thread.

Why does GCC use multiplication by a strange number in implementing integer division?

This is a link to the document mentioned in the other thread:


The example code below is based on the pdf document and is meant for Visual Studio, using ml64 (64 bit assembler), running on Windows (64 bit OS). The code with labels main... and dcm... is the code to generate a preshift (rspre, number of trailing zero bits in divisor), multiplier, and postshift (rspost). The code with labels dct... is the code to test the method.

        includelib      msvcrtd
        includelib      oldnames

sw      equ     8                       ;size of word

arrd    dq      1                       ;array of test divisors
        dq      2
        dq      3
        dq      4
        dq      5
        dq      7
        dq      256
        dq      3*256
        dq      7*256
        dq      67116375
        dq      07fffffffffffffffh      ;max divisor
        dq      0

        PUBLIC  main

main    PROC
        push    rbp
        push    rdi
        push    rsi
        sub     rsp,64                  ;allocate stack space
        mov     rbp,rsp
        lea     rsi,arrd                ;set ptr to array of divisors
        mov     [rbp+6*sw],rsi
        jmp     main1

main0:  mov     [rbp+0*sw],rbx          ;[rbp+0*sw] = rbx = divisor = d
        cmp     rbx,1                   ;if d <= 1, q=n or overflow
        jbe     main1
        bsf     rcx,rbx                 ;rcx = rspre
        mov     [rbp+1*sw],rcx          ;[rbp+1*sw] = rspre
        shr     rbx,cl                  ;rbx = d>>rsc
        bsr     rcx,rbx                 ;rcx = floor(log2(rbx))
        mov     rsi,1                   ;rsi = 2^floor(log2(rbx))
        shl     rsi,cl
        cmp     rsi,rbx                 ;br if power of 2
        je      dcm03
        inc     rcx                     ;rcx = ceil(log2(rcx)) = L = rspost
        shl     rsi,1                   ;rsi = 2^L
;       jz      main1                   ;d > 08000000000000000h, use compare
        add     rcx,[rbp+1*sw]          ;rcx = L+rspre
        cmp     rcx,8*sw                ;if d > 08000000000000000h, use compare
        jae     main1
        mov     rax,1                   ;[rbp+3*sw] = 2^(L+rspre)
        shl     rax,cl
        mov     [rbp+3*sw],rax
        sub     rcx,[rbp+1*sw]          ;rcx = L
        xor     rdx,rdx
        mov     rax,rsi                 ;hi N bits of 2^(N+L)
        div     rbx                     ;rax == 1
        xor     rax,rax                 ;lo N bits of 2^(N+L)
        div     rbx
        mov     rdi,rax                 ;rdi = mlo % 2^N
        xor     rdx,rdx
        mov     rax,rsi                 ;hi N bits of 2^(N+L) + 2^(L+rspre)
        div     rbx                     ;rax == 1
        mov     rax,[rbp+3*sw]          ;lo N bits of 2^(N+L) + 2^(L+rspre)
        div     rbx                     ;rax = mhi % 2^N
        mov     rdx,rdi                 ;rdx = mlo % 2^N
        mov     rbx,8*sw                ;rbx = e = # bits in word
dcm00:  mov     rsi,rdx                 ;rsi = mlo/2
        shr     rsi,1
        mov     rdi,rax                 ;rdi = mhi/2
        shr     rdi,1
        cmp     rsi,rdi                 ;break if mlo >= mhi
        jae     short dcm01
        mov     rdx,rsi                 ;rdx = mlo/2
        mov     rax,rdi                 ;rax = mhi/2
        dec     rbx                     ;e -= 1
        loop    dcm00                   ;loop if --shpost != 0
dcm01:  mov     [rbp+2*sw],rcx          ;[rbp+2*sw] = shpost
        cmp     rbx,8*sw                ;br if N+1 bit multiplier
        je      short dcm02
        xor     rdx,rdx
        mov     rdi,1                   ;rax = m = mhi + 2^e
        mov     rcx,rbx
        shl     rdi,cl
        or      rax,rdi
        jmp     short dct00

dcm02:  mov     rdx,1                   ;rdx = 2^N
        dec     qword ptr [rbp+2*sw]    ;dec rspost
        jmp     short dct00

dcm03:  mov     rcx,[rbp+1*sw]          ;rcx = rsc
        jmp     short dct10

;       test    rbx = n, rdx = m bit N, rax = m%(2^N)
;               [rbp+1*sw] = rspre, [rbp+2*sw] = rspost

dct00:  mov     rdi,rdx                 ;rdi:rsi = m
        mov     rsi,rax
        mov     rbx,0fffffffff0000000h  ;[rbp+5*sw] = rbx = n
dct01:  mov     [rbp+5*sw],rbx
        mov     rdx,rdi                 ;rdx:rax = m
        mov     rax,rsi
        mov     rcx,[rbp+1*sw]          ;rbx = n>>rspre
        shr     rbx,cl
        or      rdx,rdx                 ;br if 65 bit m
        jnz     short dct02
        mul     rbx                     ;rdx = (n*m)>>N
        jmp     short dct03

dct02:  mul     rbx
        sub     rbx,rdx
        shr     rbx,1
        add     rdx,rbx
dct03:  mov     rcx,[rbp+2*sw]          ;rcx = rspost
        shr     rdx,cl                  ;rdx = q = quotient
        mov     [rbp+4*sw],rdx          ;[rbp+4*sw] = q
        xor     rdx,rdx                 ;rdx:rax = n
        mov     rax,[rbp+5*sw]
        mov     rbx,[rbp+0*sw]          ;rbx = d
        div     rbx                     ;rax = n/d
        mov     rdx,[rbp+4*sw]          ;br if ok
        cmp     rax,rdx                 ;br if ok
        je      short dct04
        nop                             ;debug check
dct04:  mov     rbx,[rbp+5*sw]
        inc     rbx
        jnz     short dct01
        jmp     short main1

;       test    rbx = n, rcx = rsc
dct10:  mov     rbx,0fffffffff0000000h  ;rbx = n
dct11:  mov     rsi,rbx                 ;rsi = n
        shr     rsi,cl                  ;rsi = n>>rsc
        xor     edx,edx
        mov     rax,rbx
        mov     rdi,[rbp+0*sw]          ;rdi = d
        div     rdi
        cmp     rax,rsi                 ;br if ok
        je      short dct12
dct12:  inc     rbx
        jnz     short dct11

main1:  mov     rsi,[rbp+6*sw]          ;rsi ptr to divisor
        mov     rbx,[rsi]               ;rbx = divisor = d
        add     rsi,1*sw                ;advance ptr
        mov     [rbp+6*sw],rsi
        or      rbx,rbx
        jnz     main0                   ;br if not end table

        add     rsp,64                  ;restore regs
        pop     rsi
        pop     rdi
        pop     rbp
        xor     rax,rax
        ret     0

main    ENDP
like image 2
rcgldr Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 11:11
