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Repeat animation with new animated api

React-native introduce new Animated API, I want to make a loop animation such as a bubble scale up then scale down and repeat that progress.

However I can not figure it out. I've tried write some code like below

class TestProject extends React.Component {    constructor(): void {     super();     this.state = {       bounceValue: new Animated.Value(0),       v: 1,     };   }    componentDidMount() {     this.state.bounceValue.setValue(1.5);      let animation = Animated.timing(this.state.bounceValue, {       toValue: this.state.v,     });      setInterval(() => {       animation.stop();        if (this.state.flag) {         this.state.v = 0.5;         this.state.bounceValue.setValue(0.5);       }       else {         this.state.v = 1.5;         this.state.bounceValue.setValue(1.5);       }        animation.start();     }, 5000);    }    render(): ReactElement {     return (       <View style={styles.imageContainer}>         <Image           style={styles.image}           source={{uri: 'http://image142-c.poco.cn/best_pocoers/20130517/91062013051716553599334223.jpg'}}         />         <Animated.Text           style={[             styles.test,             {transform: [               {scale: this.state.bounceValue},             ],}           ]           }>           haha         </Animated.Text>       </View>     );   }  } 

but not works very well.

Any suggestion will be appreciate.

like image 318
Pikaurd Avatar asked Jul 23 '15 04:07


People also ask

What is animated API in React Native?

Animated API​ Animated focuses on declarative relationships between inputs and outputs, with configurable transforms in between, and start / stop methods to control time-based animation execution.

What is animated sequence?

Animated sequences are created by adding keyframes to the timeline that define camera effects such as zooms, pans, and rotations, as well as other property transitions, such as window leveling, clipping, and opacity.

How do you check if animation is finished React Native?

The updated answer should be: . start(({finished}) => { if (finished) { console. log('animation ended!) } })

1 Answers

There's now loop animation available:

Animated.loop(   Animated.sequence([     Animated.timing(this.state.animatedStartValue, {       toValue: 1,       duration: 500,       delay: 1000     }),     Animated.timing(this.state.animatedStartValue, {       toValue: 0,       duration: 500     })   ]),   {     iterations: 4   } ).start() 
like image 96
silyevsk Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09
