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Reorganizing data from 3 rows to 1





I need to reorganize data from a csv file that contains mostly repeating data. I have the data imported into R in a dataframe but I am having trouble with the following:

ID   Language  Author   Keyword
12   eng       Rob      COLOR=Red
12   eng       Rob      SIZE=Large
12   eng       Rob      DD=1
15   eng       John     COLOR=Red
15   eng       John     SIZE=Medium
15   eng       John     DD=2

What I need to do is transform this into a row with each keyword in a separate column

ID   Language  Author  COLOR  SIZE      DD
12   eng       Rob     Red    Large     1

Any ideas?

like image 836
Ray Avatar asked Feb 22 '13 19:02


People also ask

How do I convert multiple rows to one column?

Click in a cell, or select multiple cells that you want to split. Under Table Tools, on the Layout tab, in the Merge group, click Split Cells. Enter the number of columns or rows that you want to split the selected cells into.

1 Answers

Using the reshape2 package this is straightforward:

With tt defined as in Gary's answer


tt <- cbind(tt, colsplit(tt$Keyword, "=", c("Name", "Value")))
tt_new <- dcast(tt, ID + Language + Author ~ Name, value.var="Value")

which gives

> tt_new
  ID Language Author COLOR DD   SIZE
1 12      eng    Rob   Red  1  Large
2 15      eng   John   Red  2 Medium
like image 183
Brian Diggs Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 14:10

Brian Diggs