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Reopen closed tab in Visual Studio 2012

In my web browser (Google Chrome), after a tab is closed, I can re-open it with the menu item 'reopen closed tab'. (Firefox has this feature too, 'undo close tab'.)

How can I do undo closing a tab in Visual Studio 2012?

I found this similar question from 2009, but the accepted answer doesn't work for Visual Studio 2012. Reopen last closed tab in Visual Studio

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Colonel Panic Avatar asked Jan 07 '13 10:01

Colonel Panic

Video Answer

2 Answers

The Productivity Power Tools extension has the Undo Close functionality. Some of the older extensions designed for VS2010 may not work correctly in VS2012, also quite a lot of functionality from these extensions has been incorporated in VS2012.

In Visual Studio 2012/2013, use CTRL+SHIFT+Z to undo close.

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Piers Myers Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 04:11

Piers Myers

Did you tried with the 2010 version of PowerCommands ?



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Aphelion Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 03:11
