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Rendering a dictionary in Jinja2




I'm playing with a url shortener (basing it on the Shortly demo app from Werkzeug).

I have a dict like this -

('1', {'target': '', 'clicks': '1'}) ('3', {'target': 'http://slash.org', 'clicks': '4'}) ('2', {'target': '', 'clicks': '1'}) ('5', {'target': 'http://de.com/a', 'clicks': '0'}) 

which is returned in url_list and used by render_template

def on_list_urls(self, request):     url_list = self.get_urls()     return self.render_template('list_urls.html',         url_list = url_list     ) 

the template list_urls is pretty simple -

{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block title %}List URLs{% endblock %} {% block body %}   <h2>List URLs</h2>   <ul id="items">   {% for item in url_list %}     <li>{{ item }}</li>   {% endfor %}   </ul>  {% endblock %} 

Thing is, I can't seem to access the items in the dict.

The line

<li>{{ item }}</li> 

is where I'm focussing attention. As above, I get a list of the keys in the dict.

<li>{{ item["target"] }}</li> 

returns nothing. None of the {{ user.url }}">{{ user.username }} type stuff in the docs seems to work.

Ideas please? Newbie - be gentle. Thanks.


Thanks for the responses.

Ewan's answer works, but uses a list of dicts. I want to pass a dict and render that (because I want a non-integer index of items). Does Jinja do that?

Also - I mis-represented url_list. It's more like this -

{'a': {'target': 'http://testing.com/test', 'clicks': '0'},  '1': {'target': '', 'clicks': '1'},  '3': {'target': 'http://slash.org', 'clicks': '4'},  '2': {'target': '', 'clicks': '1'}} 

Further experimentation - passing a dict produces an error about a list object.

{% for key in url_list.iteritems() %} 

UndefinedError: 'list object' has no attribute 'iteritems'

Thanks again.

Still baffled by why it thought I was passing a list but got it working now.

{% for key, value in url_list.iteritems() %}     <li>{{ key }} - {{ value["target"] }} - {{ value["clicks"] }}</li> 

prints out everything. Many thanks.

like image 909
user2839288 Avatar asked Oct 02 '13 15:10


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Flask in Action When inserting Python code into the HTML file, we wrap it in {% %} so Flask knows to differentiate it from normal HTML code. To print out the contents of the dict, we can use a for loop. The idea of the for loop stays the same, it's just spread out across multiple lines and wrapped in HTML.

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1 Answers

Your url_list should look like this:

url_list = [{'target': '', 'clicks': '1'},              {'target': 'http://slash.org', 'clicks': '4'},             {'target': '', 'clicks': '1'},             {'target': 'http://de.com/a', 'clicks': '0'}] 

Then using:

<li>{{ item["target"] }}</li>  

in your template will work.

Edit 1:

Your template think you're passing a list in, so are you sure you're passing in your original dict and not my above list?

Also you need to access both a key and a value in your dictionary (when you're passing a dictionary rather than a list):

Python 2.7

{% for key, value in url_list.iteritems() %}     <li>{{ value["target"] }}</li>  {% endfor %} 

Python 3

{% for key, value in url_list.items() %}     <li>{{ value["target"] }}</li>  {% endfor %} 
like image 73
Ewan Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 03:10
