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Are functions objects in Python?

I always hear this statement in Python (for topics such as decorators, etc. when you are passing functions, etc.) but have never really seen an elaboration on this.

For example is it possible to create a class c that has only one abstract method that is called with a set of opened and closed brackets.

i.e class c:        @abstractmethod        def method_to_be_called_by():         ...  

so you can have

c(whatever parameters are required) 

I could be way off the mark with my understanding here, I was just curious about what people meant by this.

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user3684792 Avatar asked Aug 13 '14 17:08


People also ask

Are functions objects?

In JavaScript, functions are first-class objects, because they can have properties and methods just like any other object. What distinguishes them from other objects is that functions can be called. In brief, they are Function objects. For more examples and explanations, see the JavaScript guide about functions.

Why function is an object in Python?

In Python, functions behave like any other object, such as an int or a list. That means that you can use functions as arguments to other functions, store functions as dictionary values, or return a function from another function.

Is function same as object?

In JavaScript, functions are called Function Objects because they are objects. Just like objects, functions have properties and methods, they can be stored in a variable or an array, and be passed as arguments to other functions.

How do you use a function as a object in Python?

Functions in python are first class objects. This means that they can be passed as arguments to other functions, assigned to variables or even stored as elements in various data structures. The ability to perform the same operation on a list of elements is provided by a higher-order python function called map.

How to define a function in Python?

As the function in Python is defined using the keyword ‘def’. The keyword ‘class’ is used to define a class in Python. Since the class is a blueprint of the object, all the common attributes and methods will be declared and defined in the class. Different objects which are created from the class can access those properties and functions.

What is the difference between object and function in Python?

Everything in Python is an object. Functions in Python are first-class objects. Functions can be sent as arguments, used in expressions,, have types and can become elements of various data structures.

What does it mean to call an object in Python?

Let’s define a class that when called, prints whatever it stores. Thus, under the hood ‘calling’ an object means executing the object’s __call__ method. Functions in python are first class objects. This means that they can be passed as arguments to other functions, assigned to variables or even stored as elements in various data structures.

Why are functions in Python first class objects?

One of the most powerful features of Python is that everything is an object, including functions. Functions in Python are first-class objects. This broadly means, that functions in Python: Sending functions as arguments coupled with the ability to store them in lists can be extremely helpful.

1 Answers

You are looking for the __call__ method. Function objects have that method:

>>> def foo(): pass ...  >>> foo.__call__ <method-wrapper '__call__' of function object at 0x106aafd70> 

Not that the Python interpreter loop actually makes use of that method when encountering a Python function object; optimisations in the implementation jump straight to the contained bytecode in most cases.

But you can use that on your own custom class:

class Callable(object):     def __init__(self, name):         self.name = name      def __call__(self, greeting):         return '{}, {}!'.format(greeting, self.name) 


>>> class Callable(object): ...     def __init__(self, name): ...         self.name = name ...     def __call__(self, greeting): ...         return '{}, {}!'.format(greeting, self.name) ...  >>> Callable('World')('Hello') 'Hello, World!' 

Python creates function objects for you when you use a def statement, or you use a lambda expression:

>>> def foo(): pass ...  >>> foo <function foo at 0x106aafd70> >>> lambda: None <function <lambda> at 0x106d90668> 

You can compare this to creating a string or an integer or a list using literal syntax:

listobject = [1, 'two'] 

The above creates 3 objects without ever calling a type, Python did that all for you based on the syntax used. The same applies to functions.

Creating one yourself can be a little more complex; you need to have a code object and reference to a global namespace, at the very least:

>>> function_type = type(lambda: None) >>> function_type <type 'function'> >>> function_type(foo.__code__, globals(), 'bar') <function bar at 0x106d906e0> 

Here I created a function object by reusing the function type, taking the code object from the foo function; the function type is not a built-in name but the type really does exist and can be obtained by calling type() on an existing function instance.

I also passed in the global namespace of my interpreter, and a name; the latter is an optional argument; the name is otherwise taken from the code object.

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Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10

Martijn Pieters