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Render partial view on button click

so I've tried everything, but I simply can not return a small partial view and place it in div element. This is my parent view

<button id="doctors">Doktori</button>
<button id="apointments"> Pregledi</button>

 <div id="someDiv">

    document.getElementById("doctors").onclick = function () { myFunction() };
    function myFunction() {

        $("#someDiv").load("@Html.Raw(Url.Action("doctorsview", "HomeController")) ")

I put some alert("message") before .load() function, and it shows a message, but then I put it after .load(), it doesn't show it. I've tried with and without html.raw(). This is my controller action

public ActionResult doctorsview()
    return PartialView("~/Views/_Doktor.cshtml", new Doktor());        

Where am I wrong?

like image 346
Alen Kopic Avatar asked Aug 25 '14 16:08

Alen Kopic

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You can render partial view on the load of your view. You just need to hide and show them on click of link. If you dont want to load them initially and want to load them dynalically then you can use AjaxLink to achive it. Let me know if you need any other help. You could try to use JQuery Ajax to load the partial view.

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You can render the partial view in the parent view using the HTML helper methods: @html.Partial (), @html.RenderPartial (), and @html.RenderAction (). The @Html.Partial () method renders the specified partial view. It accepts partial view name as a string parameter and returns MvcHtmlString.

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Basically, it stringifies the HTML content in the location where it was specified. The RenderPartial method will not actually return any values or strings and instead, it will write the Partial View that is requested to the Response Stream through response.write internally.

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1 Answers

you don't have to pass complete name of HomeController, In Url.Action() we have to pass prefix of Controller name, when we create controller we have to add a postfix of Controller in mvc and when we use it in helpers we have to just pass Controller name without Controller postfix:

public class HomeController: Controller
public ActionResult doctorsview()
  return PartialView("~/Views/_Doktor.cshtml", new Doktor());        


Do like this:


and you should be placing it in respective Views directory of Controller, which is in this case Views -> Home

like image 176
Ehsan Sajjad Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10

Ehsan Sajjad