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Render each frame as a single image

Just curious, can flash take each frame and export it out as a image ? In my case, I want to create sprite images for a flashdevelop project using blitting. Of course I know there is a solution for this. like copy and paste each shape into a image editor such as photoshop and turn them into png's. But I am just seeing if there is a simpler means of doing so.

like image 547
numerical25 Avatar asked Dec 30 '22 01:12


1 Answers

Check out BitmapData.draw(). You can listen to frame events and programmatically spit out bitmaps from within Flash (draw the stage onto a bitmap, lather, rinse, repeat). Combine this with a PNG encoder and you can automate the entire process very easily.

like image 176
zenazn Avatar answered Jan 07 '23 22:01
